Tuesday, December 31, 2024

மணம் வீசும் புத்தாண்டு

    இனிய புத்தாண்டு நல்வாழ்த்துக்கள் 

பந்தின் வீச்சில் பாய்ந்திடும் வேகம், 

உந்தும் விசையின்,உடல்பலக் கூற்றே! 

உலகம் விரிதல் உள்ளக் குதூகலம்; 

கலகம் அகன்றிட, காரியம் வெல்லும்.

ன்றும் மானுடம் ஒன்றெனும் உணர்வை, 

ஒன்றெனும் ஆளுமை ஓங்கித் தாக்குமாம்! 

புதுமைகள் புரிதல் பூசலின் விதையெனில்,

சதியின் வலையில் சிக்கிடும் புதுமைகள்!

நன்மைக் கரங்களின் நாடித் துடிப்பினை, 

வன்மை விலக்கி வாழ்வுறச் செய்வோம்! 

கண்ணிய விழிகளே கடவுளைக் காணும், 

புண்ணியம் கூடுல், புகலிடம் புகுத்தலே! 

இன்னலும் ஈட்டலும் எதிர்மறை ஆகுமோ, 

தன்னுடன் பிறரை சேர்த்துப் பகிர்ந்திடின்?.

மண்ணில் மதத்துன், மனிதம் மலர்ந்து, 

விண்ரை வீசட்டும், வாசம் புத்தாண்டில்!



A Grand New Dawn

                 HAPPY NEW YEAR 2025

Time's mirror truly reflects life, as it looks.

But life's mirage, feeds false waters to its brooks.

On time's linear track, life has its turnarounds.

But in Time's cyclic course, life's race rebounds.

As we tear daily sheets of the manmade calendar,

It unfolds both hope and despair to us, as a pair

If a fresh leaf fills the mind, with a feel-good factor,

We love turning a new page, in the life book's chapter.

Every new year is looked upon, as a grand new dawn,

Unmindful of the uncertain dusk that would fall upon.

With fairness in perception, forming the onward arch,

Faith without frailty, facilitates a fine forward march.

For some of us, each new year is as much as another year.

But for many others, it is much more than changing the gear.

If each one's daily agenda is well set with global concern, 

Life is a trained toll-free journey, with a lot to learn and earn.

P, Chandrasekaran. 

Friday, December 27, 2024

The magnificent Dr, Manmohan Singh


 Magnificent Dr. Manmohan Singh

 Meekly remained as integrity's wing.

 All Indians can proudly sing and salute

 Dr. Singh's straight, and sensible route.

 As the fresh minister of India's finance, 

 He drove the economic growth's stance.  

 Tracing the core global yardsticks at a glance, 

 He removed the lumps with a surgeon's lance.

 Steadily did he grow to ripe, responsible reigns,

 With political blood, least flowing in his veins.

 Loyalty was loftily bound to his self and soul,

 With no deviation from the job, left to his role.

 The nation as a whole, does his death condole.

 Our best memento to him is to set his goals roll.

P. Chandrasekaran.


Thursday, December 26, 2024

நல்லக்கண்ணு எனும் நான்மணிக்கடிகை.

நல்லக் கண்ணு!

என்ன பொருத்தமாய் 

வைததனர் உம் பெயரை.

நல்லதை மட்டுமே

பார்த்ததோர் கண்களின் ,

பார் போற்றும் பரிவு.

கம்யூனிசத்தின் கண்ணான,

நூற்றாண்டு நன்மயைின்

காற்றாடிக் குளிர்ச்சி.

எளிமயைின் விருட்சம் நீ!

துளிகூட தானில்லா

தளிர்வளரும் பொதுநலத்தின்,

களிப்பூட்டும் காணொளியே!

உலகத்தில் உம்போன்று

உயர்நத உள்ளங்கள்

ஒருசேர உலா வரின்,

நெடுஞ்சாலை பாதையெங்கும்

நல்லதே நாடுயர்த்தும்.

ஊராண்ட பலரும்

நூறாண்டு வாழ்ந்த உம்மை,

தேரனெவே சுற்றிடுவர்.

நீர்வாழ்ந்த காலத்தில்

யார்வாழ்ந் திருந்தாலும்,

நல்லதோர் நூற்றாண்டின்

நலமெல்லாம் பெற்றிருப்பர்.

நல்லக்கண்ணு எனும்

நான்மணிக்கடிகை தன்னை,

சொல்லாப் பெருமையுடன்

சொல்லுயர்த்தி சிரம்தாழ்த்தி,

வல்லுயிராய் வணங்குகிறேன்.


Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Crossing the barriers


                   MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL.

    Mankind is ever crossing swords with peace.

    But peace cozily lies under the Christmas trees.

    Life is at a crossroads at all times,

    Like an unmanned level crossing, 

    With no clues to decide which way to go, 

    Or whether to cross the track or not.

    Do we really come across the right score to pick,

    So that we never let our conscience cross its thick?.

    Many a time, do we further add nails to the cross

    Pushing our ego's might,to hit with a hammer's blow.

    Human mind is crisscrossed by a circuitous web,

    With more confusion about truth,caused by ticketless folks.

    Let us cross the many barriers against truth, with no interlude,

    Being sure that the cheering Xmas child, toes Truth's magnitude.

    P. Chandrasekaran.

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

மாற்றான் தாய்.

வாடகைத் தாய்கள் 

பெருகிடும் நாட்களில் 

'மாற்றான் தாயெனல் 

தோற்றிடும் கூற்றோ? 

பிள்ளைகள் பெறுதலே 

பெருஞ் சுமையாகிட, 

மாற்றான் தாய்களின்

முலைப்பால் பெருகுமோ?

துன்பம் புகுந்திட 

பின்பல மாவது 

தன்பலம் என்பர், 

தவித்திடும் மறவர்.

மாற்றான் தாயின் 

மடியது  பொய்த்திட

மடி ஏந்திடாது

மடிவது மேலாம்!

முடியாது எனுமோர் 

கடுஞ்சொல் கடந்து

கொடுத்தோம் எனும்சொல்

கூசாது கூறலும், 

கூடிக் களித்திட

கொட்டகையில் திரளலும்

கெட்டதோர் மனிதமே!

வஞ்சனை வெற்றிலை 

வாயில் மென்று, 

நெஞ்சினில் ஈரம் 

கொஞ்சமும் இன்றி, 

குதர்க்கம் பேசிடும் 

கொற்றவர் பிடியில், 

வென்றவர் யாரோ 

வேதனைப் போரில்?

ஓர வஞ்சனை

ஏறிடும் பல்லக்கு, 

பாரம் ஏற்றுதல் 

பாமரன் தலையிலாம்!

இன்னல் குளத்தில் 

மூழ்கிடும் மாந்தரில்,

ஈனக் குரல்கள் 

எழுந்து நிற்குமாம்,

பல்லக்கு தூக்க!

சொந்தத் தாயே 

சுருக்குக் கயிறெனில்,

மாற்றான் தாய்க்கு 

மனவலி  ஏதாம்?


Sunday, November 17, 2024

Memory files

Memories are mind's masterpieces, 

Both mind-blowing and mind messing.

Those who can recall their childhood years,

Are the most gifted or cursed lot,

To get delighted or dejected by the recalls.


My childhood memories are more tattered.

The streets on my way, were all battered.

To tie up the rags and insert them in a folder,

Makes not a facile move,for a helpless holder. 

Fragmented memories are meant for the smolder.


Adolescent memories are almost an applecart, 

Disrupted or derailed by the running wheels

On unknown tracks,with untried, awkward limbs.

I was not an apple's eye, at my meek adolescence.

Nor did my jolted dreams,dwell in the applecart.


Teenage memories could teem, tease, and taunt

Anyone, about their vagaries as a vanity flaunt.

My teenage memories unfold my trembling feet,

Shivering deep,unable to match my coeval fleet.

I cannot credibly click the folder of my teenage sheet.


Adulthood memories could be kept in multi folders 

With mighty or murky MS and Pdf pages, in plenty.

As my ageing,feeble fingers browse my memory files,

What I could read, are the pages of adulthood substance, 

With the rest of my folders,causing me a myopic resistance.

P. Chandrasekaran.

Friday, November 1, 2024


மெய்யொடு கைகோர்த்து

கொய்வது அன்புக்கனி.

வைய்யத்து வாழ்வினில்,

அன்பே வரம்தானே!.

தொய்விலா அன்போடு,

தெய்வத்தைத் தெளிவிக்கும் 

தீவிர வெளிப்படையாய்,

மெய்யழகன் கார்த்திக்!.

"அய்யோ பேரறியேன்;

அன்பின் தடம் மறந்தேன்;

செய்வது அறியாது,

பொய்யுரைத்து நின்றேன்",

எனக்குமுறும் அருள்மொழி,

அழகி அரவிந்த்சாமி!.

இருவரின் சந்திப்பில்,

அருள்மொழி தனையறிய,

உய்யும் உன்னதமும்,

மெய்யின் முழுத்திரளும்

நெய்யின் நறுஞ்சுவையாய்,

ஒன்றுபட உயிர்கலக்கும்.

கலைக்கடல் பிரேம்குமார்

பேரலைக் கருத்துருவால்,

பின்னுக்குப் பெண்தள்ளி,

ஆண்களுள்ளம் ஆர்ப்பரிக்கும்.

ஆகாயம் போல்விரிந்த

ஆளுயர நெகிழ்ச்சிதனில்,

மனதோடு மெய்சிலிர்க்கும்,

மனிதமலர் 'மெய்யழகன்'!.

சைக்கிளின் சரிதையில்,

சத்தியமே சக்கரங்கள்.

யாரிவன் என்றுணர்ந்த

பேரன்புப் பூரிப்பில்,

அருவியென அருள்மொழி,

கதவுதட்டிக் கைவலிக்கும்.

அடைக்கும்தாழ் உடைத்தெறிந்து,

புடைத்துநிறக்கும் அன்பங்கே!

வினாக்கள் விடையெழுப்ப,

விடைகள்பல வினாஎழுப்பும்;

அடைத்தேனின் இனிப்பாகி,

அன்பொழுகும் 'மெய்யழகன்'!


Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Memoirs of a college teacher.



   I was a college teacher nearly for thirty seven years,in Nehru Memorial College, Puthanampatti, a reputed rural college in Tamil Nadu.It was a pleasure to be an English teacher for students,most of whom were drawn from nearby villages,and neighbouring taluk head quarters of Tiruchirappalli,Salem and South Arcot districts,then.When I started my teaching career,it was only a men's college and later on,it was converted into a co- educational institution,in the mid Nineteen Eighties.

  Those days,the interview procedures were rather down to earth,and the principal &secretary of that college who happily appointed me,adopted an empirical question and answer procedure,and he might also have exercised a kind of face reading efficacy,based on which he would have considered me fit for the job.Owing to the prevalent transport difficulties those days,I could not reach for the interview on time,but still providence was behind me,pushing me into the employer's head,as a prospective teacher of head and heart,to ably fit into the rural box,with a spontaneous flair for both English and Tamil.

  The nearly four decades of my career could be split decade wise,with credits and defects on my side,to go in for a genuine self-appraisal.My initial years were full of jam packed teaching sessions,at times with even four out of five teaching hours,on certain days.My throat volume was the best friend of mine,and even in some training programmes it attracted the attention of some resources personnel.But still my soaring throat after a two continuous hours of lecturing,would ask for a full glass of double tea.

   I had the flow of language both in terms of English and Tamil.But I do not know how inspiring I was,though periodically,I used to receive appreciative letters from many students.My foremost weakness was my erratic handling of the blackboard,writing relevant words,phrases and even sentences, on the black board,wherever I could find space, instead of using appropriate aesthetic features,that the board required.I do not know how much the black board would have suffered and cried.

   However,my teaching spell in the Nineteen Seventies was really a felicitous experience, with willing contribution from my end, to co-curricular and extra-curricular activities assigned to me and appreciated by the college management.Fixing chief guests for functions and escorting them to our college was an additional responsibility given to me during the starting spell of my career.One such event I remember was,escorting Prof.K.Aludiapillai IAS,Principal of Periyar EVR college Tiruchirappalli,who afterwards became District collector and then the Vice Chancellor of Madurai Kamaraj University.I was also a hostel proctor and deputy warden of the students hostel,between 1970 and 1975  

  Majority of the students in the Nineteen Seventies,were responsive and eager to learn,with outstanding modesty and flexibility. During the early Seventies,the institution also permitted the teachers to give private tuition to students on specified fees per year,with the tuition strength not exceeding six students per teacher.

  My earlier teaching sessions were frequently observed by the Principal and Secretary,who used to stand at some corner,outside my class room,and watch my mode of teaching and the class control that I had, because I was just 21 plus when I took up my job, and my students were 18 or nineteen years of age.Weekly compositions for two hours,were rigorously adhered to,and this was followed by a meticulous correction process,that would point out the spelling and grammatical errors made by the students,besides mentioning the corrected version of those mistakes.The pass percentage of students drew significant attention from the college management,for a teacher's  confirmation of service.

  The one day annual picnic of all the staff and the head of the institution to nearby picnic spots, proved to be an experience in endearment, coupled with enjoyment. With literary association meetings, sports day events, and college day celebrations, the entire year used to be running on a busy track, moulding posterity to lead a progressive and value based life.I was in charge of the college music club and the social service league,for a few years.

  On the whole, the first ten years of my job passed on, as a golden period in my life. But still, there appeared as a jinx, that caused a slight misunderstanding between me and my department head, following an incident involving my defiant behaviour against him. It took place in 1975 or 1976.After that incident, it so happened that I made a few totaling mistakes, in my consolidation of the internal assessment mark list. This led my HOD to send me a letter of censure blaming me for my negligence of duty that seriously saddened me. Luckily, as a redeeming factor, the concluding sentence of his letter said "I am sorry to write this to an able, efficient and trustworthy member of my department''. The last sentence remained closer to my heart and the rest of his negative remarks vanished like thin air. After this, our intimacy grew by leaps and bounds.

  The Nineteen eighties were torn between frequent strikes by teachers& government employees with hitting bouts of guilt about shirking responsibility and commitment expected of a teacher, towards the student community. Nevertheless, without those agitational programmes, teachers and and other employees could never have seen their legitimate life standards become a living and lasting reality.

  It was during that decade,our college attained regional repute,as the first Arts and Science college in Tamil Nadu,to offer computer science courses.This led to a new generation of learners,whose futuristic goals and job guarantees made them  assessors of the teachers,including those who taught them English.This decade also continued the two hour composition schedule, that would have provided a solid ladder for the linguistic development of many students towards an error-free use of written English.

  To me an interesting incident occurred during an academic year of the same decade.A huge number of students of a Science branch, wanted me to teach the whole play 'Julius Caesar', only in Tamil. When I rejected their demand, excepting one student, all the others boycotted my class on a day. However, following my rigid and rightful stance, they attended my classes from my next session.

  During that decade, my self-esteem had to be straightened more, with a greater quest for what best English could do, for a hopefully employable group of students. Precision in presentation became more important. My use of the black board improved to a considerable extent and I was double sure about not misspelling any word.But still once I misspelt the word 'cemetery' as 'cemetry',during the last hour of a morning session.At lunch time, after verification of the correct spelling of the word,I visited the class during the first hour of the afternoon session of the same day,when a subject teacher was handling the class.With an apology to the teacher for my interruption, I entered the class,and corrected the misspelt word,that was still taunting me,undeleted from the black board. 

  Some of my errors in pronunciation were corrected on subsequent days and I always saw to it that my spot errors did not become a part of the students' learning process,by way of misguiding them in their future use of English.This was because,in a Summer Institute programme when I was teaching pronunciation of some English words from a lesson,I mispronounced the word 'esoteric', putting the stress on's'instead of 't'.During the post teaching assessment of my teaching session,a resource personnel pointed out my error and I felt sorry for that.

  Many teachers instinctively carry both the inspiration and weaknesses of their teachers on their brains.While my fluency was drawn from one of my most venerated teachers of the college where I studied for six years,{from pre university to post graduation},my habit of teaching by sitting on the table for a few minutes, was influenced by my two other teachers. Later on, I realized that it was an unfair practice, and mended my mistake for the remaining years of my teaching career.

  In the middle of that decade, an unforgettable incident took place. A bright student from the B.Com branch, was mistakenly disallowed to continue his examination, by the Chief Superintendent of the university examinations. He was asked to leave the examination hall abruptly after two hours,{that was his last paper too} under the presumption that he violated the rules of conduct, meant for the candidates of the examination. Though he had secured creditable marks in that exam, his results were withheld by the university. I took up the issue with the then Controller of Examination of the university concerned, and made the authorities conclude, that he was a meritorious student, unduly affected by a context of misunderstanding. Subsequently, his results were published and that bright student later got a job abroad.   

  From the Nineteen Nineties,computer education became a predominant academic discipline,and the position of the teacher in the class room became very delicate and a bit vulnerable too.This was due to an assumption among a section of learners,that they knew better than their teachers. This assumption was specifically noticed among students from the urban elite families.But still,quite a lot of students who hailed from the rural belt,were earnestly of the opinion,that there was a lot to be learnt from knowledgeable teachers. Letters of love and appreciation from a few students,continued to enthuse me,during this decade.

  The new millennium saw the sagging years of my career,but still I was not like the bull in Ralph Hodgson's poem "The Bull",which depicted an ageing bull brooding over its glorious past.The college became an autonomous institution by then,and it became my foremost responsibility as Head of the Dept,to set a strong foundation in framing the syllabus and preparing relevant teaching stuff and question banks,that could help my successor to carry on the the process forward, with creditable substance and quality.I used to reach the college on the college bus by 8.45 am every day,and would start the preliminary work connected with the requirements for academic autonomy,before the regular work began at 10 am.

  To conclude,I never let down the pride and self -esteem of a teacher,especially at the stage of imparting learning to those in higher education.It is a known fact that school teachers are remembered more than college teachers,because it is the former brand that sows the seeds and shapes the roots of every learner,from the primary to the secondary and higher secondary levels of education. Twelve years of teaching and learning  constitute the formative knowledge acquisitions of every student from the Higher Secondary schools.Perhaps that is why, only school teachers are selected for Best Teacher Awards.

  My memoirs as a college teacher contain a profound nostalgic net weight,which solely rests with the following facts:-

1]Whenever I had the first hour in the morning or afternoon session,I was the first one to go and stand in front of the class room,and I could see the students rushing into the classroom after that.

 2} I never used my teaching sessions for any purpose other than teaching.

3}My interest was more towards teaching poetry and drama though I took up teaching prose and fiction too.

4) A sizeable number of students used to make a special mention about my hold on vocabulary,with regard to multiple meanings of words and the grammatical dimension of those words.  

5}I never differentiated students in the name of gender,religion and caste. 

6}I do not remember to have availed of a permission,for being late on any day,during my entire career

7} If I had a teaching session during the last hour on any day I do not remember to have dispersed the class before the long bell.

8}I always believed that a bossy teacher fails; but a friendly and inspiring teacher steers the listening mood of the students,and scores considerable respect and affection from them.

9} I still believe that a teacher who attracts love and respect from students based on his principles and performance potential,need not bend before any external pressures, asking for a compromise of self-dignity and ideological affinity.

  At the higher education stage,every teacher runs the risk of being treated like a stage or film actor.Some are heroes;some are comedians;some are character actors and  a few are villains too.It is the right of every student to have their own opinion about every teacher,based on their interaction and connectivity with that teacher.In the midst of thousands of students, I am not sure and I cannot be sure of what most of my students thought of me,and for which particular role they considered me competent.But I can say without a mask,that my happiest moments were spent in my classrooms.

  Above all,when the retirement year came to call it a day and quit,my very close colleague and soulmate,and I,decided to retire from service,on the last day of our birth month, instead of pushing our appeal to the college management,for an extension of our service till the end of the academic year that was in vogue those days.To gratefully conclude this post, the memoirs of my college years, I mean the teaching years,stand before me as a bounteous nostalgic experience,reflecting my never lost love for the students,my attachment towards most of my colleagues-cum friends, my inherent respect for the Principal and Secretary, who made us cherish fruitful academic goals, and above all, my absolute submission to the Almighty, for having let me function as an active limb of the noblest body,called Teaching.



Tuesday, October 15, 2024

தேய்மானத் தாக்கங்கள்

தரம் தேய்ந்திடின்,

தரவுகள் தளர்ந்து திசைமாறும்.

உரம் தேய்ந்திடின், 

உறுதியின் ஊட்டம் உதிரும்.

திறன் தேய்ந்திடின்,

தலைமையே தடம் புரளும்.

பறை தேய்ந்திடின்,

முரசின் மூச்சு நிற்கும்.

சிரம் தேய்ந்திடின்,

சிந்தனையில் சீழ் பிடிக்கும்.

மரம் தேய்ந்திடின்,

மறுமுனை கிளைச் சாயும்.

புறம் தேய்ந்திடின்,

அகத்தின் அகந்தை வீழும்.

நிறம் தேய்ந்திடின்,

நளினம் நலிந்து போகும்.

வரம் தேய்ந்திடின்,

இறையருள் தூரம் கூடும்.

பிறை தேய்ந்திடின்,

பிறகது வளர்ந்து ஔியூட்டும்.

கரம் தேய்ந்திடின்,

களத்தினை தோல்வி கவ்வும்.

அறம் தேய்ந்திடின்,

அடிமனையே ஆட்டம் காணும்.

மனம் தேய்ந்திடின், 

மகிழ்ச்சியை முகம் புதைக்கும். 

மானம் தேய்ந்தின், 

மரணம் கூட மாண்பிழக்கும்.  


Monday, September 30, 2024


Crush is sudden,but never hidden.

Like a crushing flash of lightening, 

It dazzles the mind,throwing reason

Into the winds,with a bundle of blushes.

Crush pushes the brain to a back slot,

Like waterfalls weighing down bodies;

Like a gush of winds,blowing away balloons.

Born in haste,crush has no character base.

Crush if rejoiced,revels in romantic glory.

If rejected,it rides on roads with wrath,gory.

Crush is a mesh that entangles one's moods,

That get crashed like moths undone by lamps.

Crush is born to burst fast,like serial crackers

Sabotaging others' hearts as systemic hackers.

As crush is a visual stroke short and sweet,

Speedily the crushed minds,grudge to greet.


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Motivation modules.

  Motivation is too general a term to be specified. A child on the process of gestation, motivates a pregnant woman towards positive motherhood. After the child is born,the mother spends almost every moment, motivating the child at every stage in its growth, until it reaches adulthood. For most offsprings, parents are the close role models depending upon who performs the role of parenting better,between the father and mother.

  Every individual's chance of exposure to the world outside, in the form of educational institutions,friends and relatives,work spots, nature of jobs, places visited and fields associated with, turn to become motivating factors in a person's life.An individual's grasp of contexts and events, triggers the brain to react and evolve the overall personality of a person.

  The world has become a more complicated place today, on account of the various websites both social and informative,moving around everybody's life. When the world was small,with one's life routine being confined to one's home and hometown, things were easier to manage,and the mind of man had little or less chance for temptation to deviate from the preset objectives and goals.Cinema was the only distracting pull in the past. Whereas today, various pulls are there to distract and induce individuals,to deviate from their performance orientation.

  Values were held in high esteem in the past. Consequently, moral instruction classes were found to be valid in all schools,especially at the primary school learning stage. Contrarily, in a value shrinking universe, the fittest kind of motivation is to keep every block closely linked to the happenings around it,and help it learn survival lessons with competence but without crookedness. Even now, moral instruction classes at the primary learning stage could be made a vital part of the academic programme;but it should be done without any bearing on religion,because in a class of mixed religious groups,focus on any particular religion would become counter productive. 

   I believe lessons in language books in various states of India,have at least a couple of poems,essays,and short stories to expose the students to certain basic values of life such as self-esteem,self- confidence,personal integrity and respect for fellow human beings as well as all living beings.Language teachers have the paramount responsibility of infusing the aforesaid values into the nascent brains of the students,at the primary and secondary levels of education. Next to parents,it is the teaching section which is expected to be the chief motivating channel for students. 

  Public and private schools can be empowered to arrange for motivation lectures by learned and inspiring individuals,who have neither political lenience nor religious affiliation.Spiritual discourses belong to a separate zone and there are veteran speakers on spiritual topics,who occupy the centre stage outside the academic ambience, especially at various worship spots and religious forums.As far as schools are concerned, it is sensibly desirable to keep politics and religion outside its four walls.

  Any motivation lecture should be confined to building and promoting the physical and emotional wellbeing of a budding generation, so as to avoid the origin of prejudices or any controversial mind frames,besides enabling the posterity to successfully sail through the sea of humanity and survive effectively without causing nuisance to the changing currents and waves of the sea. 

 As late Dr.K.Chellappan, former Professor and Head of the Dept. of English, Bharathidasan University said in a You tube compiled video programme,every individual can prefer to be "an imperfect human being,to the frozen universe",because only imperfection cries for perfection. The cry for perfection should be generated in the minds of the youth through motivation lectures,by linking the present to the future, setting both individual and collective happiness and peace of mankind, as the combined goals of mankind.In this regard,evolution,experience, enlightenment,and empathy are the four pillars of humanity and motivation modules should be exclusively concretised,to strengthen these four pillars.    


Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Quest for quality.(Happy Teachers Day)


With technology occupying the driver's seat,

Teachers cannot afford to be backseat drivers.

They should strive to be the operating system

For pushing ahead, projects of wit and wisdom.

Worldwide websites are wooing the learner's hub,

Making teacher's role, either redundant or resilient.

Those resilient soon become the radiant rockstars,

Topping their ideas and facts with inspiring toolbars.

From the base of faith and passion, does teaching arise.

Patterns might change but not the purpose of function.

If a teacher fails to perform, a generation falls into the bin

With a cranky curse falling on the teachers.as shameful sin.

Teaching as noble profession, rejoices in its quality quest

To feed the progressive generations, with its hefty harvest.

 P. Chandrasekaran.


Saturday, August 31, 2024

'Hip Hip Harass'

'Hip Hip Hurray', is mankind's glory.

'Hip Hip Harass', has turned it gory.

When and where did harassment begin?

From time immemorial, with kith and kin.

Some are misconstrued that even the gods harass us,

If we cross their lines and corrupt their premises.

When parents harass children, they are on the run;

Teachers' harassment drives them to trigger the gun.

The worst harassed are the feeble and toyed, fair sex,

Who have to muster their muscles, to mightily flex.

'We too stories' have now surpassed the me-too voices,

Putting the so-called celebrities, into positional reverses.


Harassment at work spots has versatile tales of victims.

Bodies of men and women fall a prey to abusive whims.

But these are times when religion is harassed by politics,

And democracy, by the capitalists'hip hip harass' pricks.

P. Chandrasekaran.

Monday, August 26, 2024

When Oliver asks for more

   "Oliver asks for more" is an important chapter in Charles Dickens' most famous novel 'Oliver Twist'. When Oliver a young boy who was put up in a Parish orphanage, asked for another bowl of gruel 'the master aimed a blow at Oliver's head with the ladle; pinioned him in his arm; and shrieked aloud for Mr. Bumble the beadle".Asking for more was viewed as an act of rebellion and hence Oliver was treated as a rebel. When an individual asks for more, he/she is punished. Whereas, if it is a bunch of voices asking for more, it becomes a collective demand and attracts the attention of those who govern.

  Asking for more is one of the most essential human tendencies, because many times, things do not happen without asking for, and social justice is not something that comes 'as naturally as leaves to a tree'. In most populous democratic countries with mixed social groups, every social category comes upon with genuine demands and it becomes the responsibility of governments to consider and yield at least to some of their demands of dire necessity. At the same time, with multiple social sectors striving for achieving each one's demands, divisive tendencies explode to the extent of each section accusing the other, against eating away the resources due to them.

   During these times of social media upheavals, there is an accrual of mutually murky and vituperative viewpoints, hurting one another .From reservation to remuneration and fund allocation for social welfare measures, everything is subject to criticism. The most recent issue in this regard is about the upgraded new pension scheme of the central government employees, which evoked both balanced and aggressive criticisms in social websites, especially in the X handle. Some people even expressed the extreme view of scrapping pension for government employees.

  Individual and collective demands may be genuine or exaggerated. Public criticism may be balanced or prejudiced. But the point here is putting oneself in each other's spot,and looking at the issues as insiders rather than as outsiders. Whenever the governments revise the salary of the employees once in ten years, there is the possibility of some kind of disparity in the revision that might affect the seniors.

   In such contexts, the senior employee can represent the disparity only as 'senior getting less than junior' and not as 'junior getting more than senior'. This is because, while the first representation could be viewed as a call of injustice, the second one might reflect a sense of jealousy. This kind of interpretation could be extended to one section's reaction to other section's benefits too.

   The government employees and pensioners hardly compare their financial demands with those of their brethren in private and corporate sectors. Nor do they question the distribution of funds towards socio-amelioration measures resorted to, by the government. Many people outside the government sector, seem to think that they alone are the taxpayers forgetting the fact that government employees and pensioners are also taxpayers of various kinds. In a vast democracy like India, every section can make its demands, ask for what they need, and for this they need a collective voice. There is no meaning in making negative criticism about the benefits meted out to one sector by the other sector, by making foul cries that one section is getting more.

   Mere inter sector comparisons will not take us anywhere. Times periodically shuffle fortunes with misfortunes. Employees of Public Sector undertakings like BHEL, nationalized banks, and various insurance agencies under the union government, whose employment portfolios held proud monetary positions, are facing desperate times today, with competitive challenges, and sliding monetary benefits. Poor farmers, the running staff on the Railways, Roadways, Airways, those toiling in the defence forces and in the Merchant Navy the daily wage earners,the Indian labour force striving in foreign countries for survival,those languishing in the film industry and many other sectors have their voices to be listened to.

  Fighting for others' issues, besides a sector fighting for its own needs, would move forward towards creating an egalitarian society. Greed and sector jealousy are potential weak points that would strengthen the hands of the egregiously wealthy and ostentatious Titans, sucking the blood of the nation. Unless each sector collectively asks for more, like Oliver, only stone age tendencies will prevail. Collective voice alone will save not only democracy but also humanity. Ask for what is due to you, and let others get what is due to them. In my view, people working in every government and private sector, need reasonable pension, and pension should be an inclusive vital part of a social security scheme, protecting the dignity of every senior citizen. It is collective human struggle, that can make even a utopian ideology a possible reality.




Saturday, August 17, 2024

Split times.

The past was not a pocket full of roses.

But the breezy fragrance of the past

With friends stable and steadfast,

is a matter of the mind, made up of mortar.

I respect my youth that knew no poverty,

Though prosperity was then,a popular myth.

When the paisa perfectly ruled the routine,

The rupee tactfully took the back seat.

Things were cheaper,but life was invaluable.

Humanity was spontaneously cosmetics free,

On faces flowing with the waves of the mind.

Society was naturally naughty, but rarely haughty.

Days cycled through the streets,and on buses sharing seats,

Drawing moments of delight, from mutually borne weight. 

Memories of my travelled times, slap my ageing brain,

For its being a bastard of tradition and treachery.

The present is a bulldozer,racing on rupee's rowdyism.

My lost youth scorns me for sitting in a corner,isolated, 

With my fragile fingers toying with my mobile and laptop,

As though my fellow passenger of my train,is nonexistent.

I tell my forgotten youth, that I am learning more today.

But that now invisible guy, bullies me for my self-betrayal.

"Can you save your soul with apps, in the absence of human laps?"

Asks my lean but lofty past, with its mouth full of wisdom. 

My beastly brain begins to bark like an unchained street dog.

A dog barking at its own shadow, cannot bridge the gap of times,

Split by sabotaging monsters of change, sucking the beats,with bytes.

P. Chandrasekaran.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

'Withered stumps' of stampede.

What sort of crowds are these? 

Why do they cry "Hurry up before we die."

Crowds who hail the Gods or seek jobs

Carry their survival peaks on their feet.

The need or the greed to grab is a beastly fair.

Years ago,people died under many feet,

At a ration shop's rainfed,freebie heat.

Larger crowds at God's or Godman's orgies, 

Are feet-fed,by seeking their dingy deathbed.

Crushing is the easiest way to clear the crowd.

Wishing well is a vain bid to feel truly proud.

Airports or hotels serve as fatally apt,ad spots

To fix stampede landmines,for the jobless lots.

How many lungs cease to breathe,who knows?

But hefty feet leave those weak,to their woes.


Saturday, July 6, 2024

கொலை விளையும் காலங்கள்.

ஊரிலும் உலகிலும்,

யார் வாழ்வது?

யார் மடிவது?

யார் முடிவது ?

வீட்டிலும் வெளியிலும்,

பலமாய் வீதியிலும்,

பயணத்தின் பாதியிலும்,

சக்கரமாய்ச் சுழலும்

சதுரங்கக் கொலைககள்.

முற்பகல் வினைகளோ?

மூடி வைத்த பகையோ?

அரசியல் பகடையோ?

சிரசினில் சகடையோ ?

ஆதி எது,அந்தமெது,

சாதிக்கொலை சரவெடியில்!

வாரமிருக் கொலையெனில்,

பாரமது பூமிக்கே! 

குோருவது யாரிங்கே,

கொடுமைக்குத் தீர்வு?

சட்டம் தன் கடமையைச் செய்யும்,

சங்கிலித் தொடர்களை,

மங்கிடும் மறதியாய்,

மக்களுக்கு விட்டுவிட்டு!.♪

கொன்றானைக் கொல்லுவதோ,

கொல்ல நினதை்தவனை 

கொல்லநாள் குறிப்பதோ!


அத்தனையும் பெருக்கெடுத்து,

கொலை கொலையாய்ப் பிரசவிக்கும்

விளைநிலத்தின் காலமிது.


Tuesday, July 2, 2024

When probity speaks up.

Positions are true to perfect people, 

Whose minds are stuck to positions,

Rather than to the perks of positions. 

Values are mostly lost,not by positions,

But by people who undervalue them.

Impartiality is irksome to partial heads,

Who  go by head counts,shouting 'ayes'.

Past probity,is like a clear black&white film,

Seen through contemporary coloured lens,

It nudges a negative sense,and fudges failure.

Until the'I'sitting on one's head bids goodbye,

Positions of power will hold a patronising pie.

When probity truly speaks from its podium,

'The best of both worlds'befits as the bright idiom.



Monday, June 24, 2024

Leaves of legacy

Is legacy,what one consciously leaves for their progeny?

Or should the progeny be pressured to inherit a legacy?

What one remembers need not be what others have left.

Nor does everybody leave,with a quest to be remembered.

Do the leaves fall with the fallacy of feeding the trees?

The falling leaves fall with the wind falling on them.

When the winds of fortune fall upon the progeny,

Fortune fills the bill,leaving the winds to their direction.

Ancestry like the wind,leaves its legacies,and lies low.

It will decay in trunks in the attics,like bodies in coffins.

Once dead,what remains is not one's choice,but chance. 

One's memories bind not the mind,to post-life memories.

Legacy syndrome is more inherited,than wished,for immortality.

Even the Gandhi legacy is being trashed into prejudiced bins.

The right to recall others,overtakes the right to be recalled.

Each one chooses how to live,but shies away being snowballed.


Thursday, June 13, 2024

Being Scary.

Starry nights can also be scary,

If darkness remains unveiled.

Scary darkness is the death of light,

If light fails to give a tough fight.

Scary spouses are conjugally scarry;

If a routine is scarry,it ends up weary.

Scary teachers can discard their canes,

If their teacherly pride terribly wanes.

Scary Gods steal fear from weird worship,

If worshippers fear about their hidden guilt.

Scary religions scuffle with other sects,

If they fail to feed their clan,with their texts.

Scary leaders are a curse to what they lead,

If they lead through arrogance as their art.

Scary times will clip their creed,frail and false,

If right sense radiantly raises its clarion calls.


Wednesday, May 15, 2024

From Hey Ram to Jai Shri Ram.

In an era of "Jai Shri Ram"

"Hey Ram" becomes a misnomer.

When political slogans change, 

Gods too are addressed differently.

We are now far away in time, 

From the Rama Rajya days,

If such a regime had really existed.

Who is ready now, to forego the throne 

As Bharatha did, by adoring 

His elder's footwear, enthroned.

Who lives here like Hanuman

With his heart keeping a space, 

For his Lord and his spouse.

Rebuild temples of your choice,

But do not make it a tool to rule,

For no one remains too long,a fool.

If divine slogans are uttered to play games foul,

Temples will stay, but gods will skip your howl.

God sees whether a regime's rule is firm or frail.

God is happy when fairness and justice prevail.


Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The miracle of motherhood.



Mothers kickstart our lives,

Despite our kicking their wombs.

In between thrills and pain that kills, 

Motherhood is a mystifying miracle.

Every mother is a HR head

With her lap serving as bed.

Hurdles are hidden in her Monaliza smile;

Strains spread her routine, in a sweet style.

Mothers are bearers of biting tales of life;

But never do they don roles of tale bearers. 

They know to fondle kids and handle dreads,

With bundles of pressures swirling their heads.

Each mother is a sample of the Mother Earth, 

Experiencing endurance tests, of a life's worth.



Saturday, April 13, 2024

சித்திரைச் சிறகுகள்

  (இனிய தமிழ்ப்புத்தாண்டு வாழ்த்துக்கள்).

சீருடை பள்ளிக்கு;தேருலா ஊருக்கு.

வேரிலா மரமிங்கு பூமியில் எங்கிருக்கு?

நேர்வழிப் பாதையிலும் நெருஞ்சிமுள் குற்றிடும்.

தேர்வழிப் பின்தொடர நெரிசலது பற்றிடும்.

சூரறைப் போற்றிடச் சூளுரைத் தேவையே!.

யார்வழிப் போயிடினும்,அவர்வழியே அவரிலக்கு.

போரிடும் தோள்களெனத் தேர்களைத் தாங்கிவர,

தாரிலாச் சாலைகூட,தேருக்கு வழியமைக்கும்.

நித்திரைக் கனவிலும் சித்திரைத் தேர்தோன்றும்.

ஒத்திகை உள்ளிலெழ,உத்தமமாய் ஒளிகாணும்.

கத்திரி வெயிலின் கடும்வெப்பம் தாங்கிடவும்,

புத்தரின் புரிதலுடன் பூசல்கள் புதைத்திடவும்,

இத்தரையில் மானுடம் ஒன்றுபட்டு இறையுணர,

சித்திரைச் சிறகுகள் வான்பறந்து வரம்கூட்டும்.


Saturday, April 6, 2024


The mind has obviously no muscles.

But it can monitor muscles,in tussles.

The mind's myriad manipulations flow

As the muscle's blow,throw and bow.

Playing opaque and transparent games,

It can arrest and promptly ignite flames.

It can zoom and minimize wrong deeds,

In terms of rival and friendly proceeds.

The magic of the mind,muscles know not;

But their moves do reflect,the mind's rot.

Oh!the muscles do subscribe to the designs

Of the mind drawn on ever deviating lines.

Mind's every murky move is an abracadabra

That results in replete reactions ripe or raw. 


abracadabra--language( words ) of magic.


Sunday, March 31, 2024

பிடிப் பிடி


அதிகம் பேசுகிறான்

அவனைப் பிடி.


விலகிப் போகிறான்,

விரட்டிப் பிடி.


எதிர்த்துப் பேசுகிறான்;

எட்டிப் பிடி.


கேள்வி கேட்கிறான்

கழுத்தைப் பிடி.

நழுவறவனை விட்டுப் பிடி.

நம்பாதவனை நெறுக்கிப் பிடி.

பிடித்தவனை கட்டிப் பிடி.

பிடிக்காதவனை வளைத்துப் பிடி.

சீறுகின்றவனை சிறையில் பிடி.

மதம் பிடித்தவனை

மாண்புறப் பிடி.

நிதம் எதிர்ப்பவனை

நாண்டிடப் பிடி.

பிடிப்பது நல்லொரு 


படிப்பினை மட்டுமே 



அதிகாரச் சாட்டையிலே

படியாத படைகள் 


ஆட்டுவித்தால் யாரொருவர்

ஆடாதாரோ இங்கே!


Friday, March 22, 2024

கணவனும் மனைவியும்.

எனக்கென நீயும், 
உனக்கென நானும்! 
இடையே இருப்பது 
இரும்பினை வெல்லும் 
இறுகிய பாலம் 

யாருடன் யாரோ, 
இன்றைக்கு இங்கே !
எவருடன் எவரும், 
இணையலாம் என்பது, 
இயற்கையே கூசிடும், 
இருட்டறைக் காட்சியே. 

நடுக்கடல் அறியுமோ 
கரையலை வேகம்? 
கரைதொடும் அலைகள் 
கனவினிலும் காணுமோ 
நடுக்கடல் ஆழம்? 

புணர்தல் விதிகளை 
புதிர்களாய் மாற்றி,
நிலவுடன் இணையா 
மேகங்கள் போன்று, 
குலவிடும் மாயையில் 
குழைந்திடும் இணைவுகள்.

நீயும் நானும்
தூய்மைத் திரையினுள் 
வாழ்ந்திடும் வாழ்க்கை, 
தேய்பிறைக் காணா, 
திருவிழாக் கோலமே! 


Thursday, March 7, 2024

Life's radiance { Happy women's day}

A woman is called so,due to her ambition

To consistently woo, man's many a mission.

She might stand beside man or against him,

But her presence makes man shed his whim.

She walks steps that man quite often shuns;

She takes a big lead,through her racy runs. 

She can tick problems and troubleshoot them,

By trimming her roles and goals,to glow as gem.

As the dawning sun or as the gliding,crescent moon,

A woman could throw light,day and night,as a boon.

As a mellowed mother and as a power wielding wife,

She sternly relieves her familyfrom any daily strife.

Whether she works at home,from home,or anywhere,

A woman's mind and spirit transmits,a radiance rare. 


Tuesday, February 20, 2024

An elegy on weekends

There are many weak ends,

Between the week days and weekends.

The weak beginnings of days forebode,

Fears of fitness and freedom in work schedule,

Looking forward to the end of a successful day.

Each day takes an ambush attack on time and skills;

Many lubdubs on working for other's expectations!.

From Monday to Friday each one faces

Mind blocks and mind blows,as makeshifts.

When homes are transformed into offices at work,

One's upper body is under constant surveilance,

Freezing freedom of body and mind together.

Files and ledgers have been replaced by gadgets

As mobiles and laptops,making days immobile.

Nights fragile,keep frowning upon rest and sleep.

If week days are not romantic,weekends turn chaotic.

Weak days line up strongly,for an elegy on weekends.

While wry week days look upon live weekends,

Dead weekends have no clues of the whining  week days.

The weekends are dead as the weekdays feel not alive.


Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Love! from mother's milk.

Happy Valentine's Day.(14/02/2024)


'Love all' is impossible.

'Show love wherever you can,

But hate none',

Is a lovely matter of the mind.

Love shows itself first

In one's mother's milk,

In her hugs and lap,left for fondling.

Love stirs the mind through pairs of eyes

Where each one finds a comforting call.

Love lies in the cluster of arms,

Coming together as the human chain

For a cause,embracing common good.

Love lies in truly folded hands, 

On fixed occasions at specific spots,

As worship and esteem,encompassing 

A serene mind,structured well from within.

Love of the soil without a possessive flair,

Leads each one to their country's care.

Love springs more surprises from far and near, 

Than from caressing moments of lovers,dear.

Those who selflessly love their days and nights, 

Build castles of joy and zeal,sans ownership rights.


சித்தாந்தங்களைத் தாக்கும் சிந்தனைச் சீரழிவுகள்.


   "தெளிவாகத் தெரிந்தாலே சித்தாந்தம் அது தெரியாமல் போனாலே வேதாந்தம்" என்றார் கவிஞர் கண்ணதாசன். சித்தாந்த மாக இருந்ததாலும் வேதாந்தமாக இருந் தாலும்,அவைகள் தனிமனிதனுள் தொடங்கி,சமூகத்தில் சங்கமிக்கின்றன . இருப்பினும்,வேதாந்தாம் என்பது,ஆழ்ந்த கருத்தியல்களை உள்வாங்கி,எல்லோ ராலும் புரிந்துக்கொள்ளமுடியாத பாதை யில் பயணிப்பதால்,அது தனித் தன்மை வாய்ந்ததாகப் பார்க்கப்படுகிறது. ஆனால், சித்தாந்தம் பெரும்பாலும் விரிந்த சமூகத்தை உள்ளடக்கியே,ஊடுருவுகிறது. 

   சித்தாந்தங்கள் முழுவீச்சில் மனித இனத்தை ஆக்கிரமித்து ஆளுமை புரிவதே,அரசியல்.அரசியலில்,பல்வேறு சித்தாந்தங்களில் சிலவற்றை முன்னிறுத் தியோ,அல்லது பலவற்றை உள்ளடக்கியோ பல்வேறு அமைப்புகள் தனித்தோ அல்லது கூடியோ,ஆளுமை புரிகின்றன.தனிநபர் உரிமை மற்றும் உடமைப் பாதுகாப்பு,கல்வி, மருத்துவம்,வேலை வாய்ப்பு,மற்றும் சமூக நல்லிணக்கம் போன்ற பல்வேறு வாழ்வி யல் நடைமுறைகளை  உறுதி செய்யும் வகையில்,தனியுடைமை,மதவாதம்,சர்வா திகாரம்,என்றும்,அல்லது,பொதுவுடமை, பன்மத அரவணைப்பு,சுயமரியாதை போன்ற பல்வேறு சித்தாந்தங்களை மைய் யப்படுத்தி,தனித்தும் அல்லது இரு மூன் றில் ஒருமூன்றை ஒருநிலைப்படுத்தியும், அரசியல் சதுரங்கக்களம் அமைக்கப்படுகி றது.

   மேற்கண்ட இரு மூன்று சித்தாந்தங்கள் ஏறுமாறாய் ஒன்றுக்கொன்று எதிராய் ஆட்சிப்பரிவாரம் அமைக்கையில்,அதனால் அவற்றுக்கிடையே ஏற்படக்கூடிய சித்தாந்த மோதல்கள்,சமூகத்தில் பெரும் தாக்கத்தை ஏற்படுத்த வல்லதாகும். இதைத்தான் இன்று இந்தியாவில் பல மாநிலங்கள் சந்தித்துக்கொண்டிருக்கின்றன. 

  மக்களாட்சி என்பது உறுதியாக,எல்லார்க் கும் எல்லாம் என்பதன் கருவுருவே! எல்லார்க்கும் எல்லாம் என்பதில்,பொது வுடைமையும்,தனிநபர் கண்ணியமும்,மதப் பாதுகாப்பும்,தெள்ளத்தெளிவாக எல்லோ ராலும் உணரப்படவேடும்.இதில் 'நான்' 'எனது' போன்ற ஒற்றைச் சிந்தனைக்கு இடமே இல்லை.

 ஒரு நாட்டின் அரசியலமைப்புச்சட்டத்தில் மக்களாட்சிக்கோட்பாடுகள் தெளிவாக வரையறுக்கப்பட்டிருக்கும் சூழலில்,எந்த ஒரு தனி நபரும்,அவர் எப்படிப்பட்ட அதிகாரத்தில் இருந்தாலும்,அரசியல் சாசனத்தை எந்த வகையிலும் மீறும் தார்மீக உரிமை,அவருக்கு இல்லை.ஒரு தனி மனிதரின் மாற்றுச் சிந்தனைக் கோட்பாடோ,அம் மாற்றுச்சிந்தனையால் அவர் தன் கடமையை தன் விருப்பம்போல் ஆற்றும் சிந்தனைச் சீரழிவோ,சித்தாந்தங் களின் அடிப்படையில் உருவாக்கப்பட்ட அரசியலமைப்பை சின்னாபின்னப்படுத்தி, கேள்விக்குரியாக்கக்கூடும்.

  கூட்டாட்சி சித்தாந்தத்தின் அடிப்படையில் உருவாக்கப்பட்ட மக்களாட்சி நடைமுறை யில்,சர்வாதிகாரத்தை சிரசில் ஏற்றும் சிந்தனைச் சீரழிவிற்கு,ஒருபோதும் இடமில்லை.எந்த நாட்டில் மக்களாட்சிச் சித்தாந்தங்கள் தேர்தலுக்கு மட்டும் பின் பற்றப்பட்டு பின்னர் புறக்கணிக்கப்படு கிறதோ,அந்த நாடு சித்தாந்த மீறல்களின் சறுக்கல்களையும்,மக்களின் மலையளவு எதிர்ப்புகளையும்,நிச்சயமாக சந்திக்க வேண்டிவரும்.இந்த சித்தாந்த சறுக்கல்கள் ஊழலையும் உள்ளடக்கியவை என்பது சமகால நிகழ்வுகள் கோடிட்டுக் காட்டும் சத்தியமாகும்.சிந்தனைச் சீரழிவால் ஏற் படும் சித்தாந்த குழப்பங்கள்,சமூதாயத்தை பிளவுபடுத்தி,சர்வநாசத்திற்கு வழி வகுக்கும்.


Sunday, February 4, 2024

நேற்றும் இன்றும்

           நேற்றும் இன்றும்! 

நேற்றும் இன்றும் தொடர்கதை இல்லை; 

காற்றும் கண்டது மாசின் தொல்லை. 

சுற்றமும் நட்பும் கூடிய திண்ணை, 

வற்றிய நதியென நோக்கிடும் விண்ணை. 

உற்றதோர் உறவும் உற்றுப் பார்த்திட, 

வெற்றுக் காகிதம் விளம்பிடும் கதையே!

கற்ற கல்வியும் காட்டிடும் சான்றிதழ், 

பெற்றது அனைத்தும் பேருக்கு மட்டுமே!

'நேற்றுபோல் இன்று இல்லை' எனுமோர் 

மாற்றுப் பாதையில் மறுவிய திரைவரி, 

ஆற்றாமை அகற்றி ஆறுதல் மொழிந்து.

தூற்றுமோ,தேற்றுமோ,இன்றைய பொழுதை?

தொற்றிய நோயினை துரத்திய பின்னரும், 

முற்றிய மதநோய் மூர்க்கமாய்த் தாக்கிட, 

குற்றத்தின் குதூகலம் கூவிடக் கேட்டோம்!

நேற்றைய நாற்றுகள் நற்பயிர் கூட்டுமோ?

நற்றமிழ் நாவினில் தேனென  ஊறிட 

பற்றும்  பாசமும் மனிதமாய் நிறைந்து, 

முற்றத்தில் கூடிநாம் முழுமதி கண்டிட, 

மற்றொரு நாளில் நேற்றது தோன்றுமோ?

ப சந்திரசேகரன். 

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

From bouquets to wreaths.

When bouquets wither away

And lose their fragrance,

Wreaths wreak their revenge.

A poet and playwright once said, 

"Our little life is rounded with a sleep"

When the vertical body turns horizontal,

The rounded wreaths mock at

The vertical bouquets.

Bodies move from ice boxes,to coffins or biers,

For a formal settlement,towards deformation.

Life is built,destroyed and rebuilt;

The body is perfumed,embalmed and exited.

But the soul asks for periodical worship.

God's voice could be heard from within,

Telling each and every living person,

"As you demolish and rebuild my spots,

I too create,destroy and recreate you.

Remember the vertical and horizontal order

Of bouquets,and wreaths,as life's flowery side.

Spread the fragrance of love and truth,

Until your bouquets are replaced by wreaths.


Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Look for God,beyond religion

    "Whatever your heart clings to and confides in,that is really your God",says Martin Luther. Does it not need one's absolute familiarity with God 'to cling to and confide in'? It is almost similar to Osho's perception that "the mind wants to remain with the known,because it is the familiar trodden path'.

   To say that God is invisible,means God stays behind godliness,perceived as goodness  wherever it exists.That is why Osho says,"God has to disappear for the sake of godliness and religions should cease to exist for the sake of religiousness".

    Today religion means socializing in different groups with an inherent itch for perpetuating division among different religious groups. We name as many religions as possible to accommodate as many gods as we can,so as to promote an orgy of celebration.In celebrations, some people become more important than the others.Equality disappears and enmity prevails.With the projection of ego,God takes a holiday not only from the spot but also from the religion that has designed the spot for him.

  God is in a place of worship only if man is wholeheartedly looking for His invisible presence there. If the mind spots God through a vision,then God leaves the so called sanctum sanctorum and occupies a radiant space inside the deserving mind.It is in this context,the entry of a person into the Sanctum Sanctorum, depends more on the insight and inside of the mind,than the exterior clan or caste that one is said to belong to.

  The presumption that only a particular breed of mankind has a clean mind and hence is more accessible to God,is nothing but a fiction foretold.Godliness in humans,is the GPS for tracing the invisible through the tracking device called nobility.Obviously, nobility is a piece of the mind unique and not the pick and drop of a community,specific. 

  The figures of God are man-made.So are the rituals involved in installing,initiating and ceremonizing those images.The invisible is believed to be visible,through the imaginative and creative formulations of human perception and priority.Man controls religion and God through his positions of power,in the name of caste and grasp of the devised rituals,claiming access to God,in the name of those rituals.

  Religion is a matter of the mind.So is God. Trying to have access to God through self imposed agents,is like searching for God through a website.Today,religion and man's wild control of religion and God,create an existential crisis for God himself.When rituals surpass everything,realization of God through the goodness of the human soul and the spark of nobility emanating from that goodness,become secondary.

  The trinity today is politics,religion and the power of caste and it is this trinity that determines man's social or public outreach to God.God does not live in any institution."Then why go to a place of worship?" One may ask.It is for personally affirming the presence of God in onself through a vision,at a common place of worship,with a congregation of people.God is the inner glory of every individual,who cherishes goodness as the vehicle for life's journey.

    Without this inner glory,God becomes yet another unaffordable commodity,sold through the business process outsourcing of religion, controlled by the power of politics.So why not look for God,beyond one's religion?



Sunday, January 14, 2024

சமத்துவப் பொங்கல்.

(இனிய தைத்திருநாள் வாழ்த்துக்கள்.)

நிலத்தை வணங்கிட நலமெலாம் பொங்கும்.

பலத்தினைக் காட்டும் மழைநீர்க் கிடையே,

இலக்குகள் தகர்க்கும் இயற்கை இடர்களை,

தலைக்குள் பொங்கிடும் துணிச்சல் தாங்கும்.

பயிர்கள் வாழ்தலும்,பதர்களாய் வீழ்தலும்,

உயிர்வின்,தாழ்வின்,ஊர்வலச் சூழலாம்.

பயி்ற்சியும் அயர்ச்சியும் படர்ந்த வாழ்வில்,

முயற்சி பொங்குதல்,முதிர்ச்சியின் நிழலாம்.

வலமோ இடமோ,வாழ்வின் நகர்வில்   

வலிகள் பொங்குதல்,வெற்றியின் முகமே!

சிலந்திகள் சுரந்து பின்னிடும் வலைகளும்,

கலைகள் பொங்கிடும் காவியக் கதையே!

வியர்வைத் துளிகள் துள்ளிப் பொங்கிட,

பயிரும் உயிரும் பாரினில் செழித்திடும். 

வயிற்றினுள் பசியின் பொங்குதல் தங்கி,

பயிற்றிடும் பாடமே,சமத்துவப் பொங்கலாம்!. 
