Monday, September 27, 2021

Way Back,

Way back,

Ways of life were really,a ritzy rap.

Everyone made a plain road map

In moving about,the right way.

Their movement had no tail behind,

To whip others,with a weird mind .

Broad minds made their broadways.

Time did on its way,regulate all events;

But time did not have its sway over life.

Meeting and parting were always natural,

Without freezing the ways of the formal front.

People came together,but hardly  gathered 

In a hideout website,or logged in a zoom meet.

Life was virtually human and vitally immune

To the intervention of infecting modules.

One way or the other,all ways were open

To those,who knew their ways of living.

But waywards could not grind to find a way,

Lifting benefits the wrong way,as takeaways.

Now most ways meander to be multi exits,

That always end up as entangling subways.

The old original ways are lured and waylaid,

By the distracting midway exits,that explore. 

There are many leeways open to shrewd sense,

To choose the way to their topnotch destination.

Life is now a toll free highway,to drive fast forward,

Frowning away,the founding ways we had way back.


Tuesday, September 21, 2021


வலிமையோ வலியோ, 

வலைத்தளம் செல்வது

மீன்கள் சிக்கவோ, 

மான்கள் மாட்டவோ? 

மதில்கள் கடக்கவோ, 

மதியினை மீறவோ?

கருத்துக்கள் கூறலாம்; 

கரித்துகள் ஆகா, 

கருத்துக்கள் தரித்து.

பிழைகள் கூறலாம், 

உரிமை மீறா, 

உரிமை ஏற்றபின்.

சொற்பிழை கூறவும் 

சொல்லிடத் தேவை, 

உரிமை மீறா 

ரி நாகரீகம். 

வரம்பினை மீறி 

வம்புகள் செய்திட, 

வலைத்தளம் என்பது 

வலித்தளம் ஆகும், 

நட்புகள் நாடும்

நல்லதைத் தேடும் 

வலிமைத் தளத்தில்,

நமட்டல் சொல்லால் 

உரிமைகள்  மீறி 

பிழைகள் பீற்றிடின்,

குமட்டலில் குறுகும்,

வலியுடன் வலைத்தளம்.    


Saturday, September 18, 2021

Political backstabs on Hinduism

   No other religion would have suffered the onslaught of vested political interests from within,as Hinduism.It is the only religion which has been subjected to backstabs, every nown and then.Irrefutably,Hinduism is one of the best ways of life,towards peace,harmony and spiritual enlightenment.

  When I make this statement I make it categorically sustainable and I do affirm that this statement is not made to undermine the positivities of other religion's scope,height, width and depth.But the woes of Hinduism are self inflicted and no other religion would have ever tolerated self-inflictment to the extent of subordinating its glory to that of other relgions.Unfortunately,the agent of self inflictment in Hinduism is the brutal hand of politics,with its butcher's knife.

  Even during the days of partition, majority of people irrespective of their religious belongings and affinities, wanted to live in harmony,embracing the spirit of brotherhood. It was politics that went on a rampage,spilling blood under the garb of religion. Whenever there is conflict of interests, other religions know how to keep their own houses in order,because religious fervour is running through their veins to the extent of shunning the intervention of politics into their fundamental ideologies.

  Whereas,Hinduism being called a way of life,has really become a freeway open for all,for anyone's hit and run drive.In this process,they hit the religion black and blue, with their political accelerator gaining utmost speed,to reach their self serving goals as pointedly as possible.Quite often, they do it through the powerful wheels of their chariot yatras.They do not realize that the damage done to the spiritual gates of Hinduism,by the temporal wheels of their Yatra chariots,is irreparable.Many Hindus know that the objective of these yatras is not to please the gods,but to appease the electronic voting machine into the favour of those,who pull the chariot.

  If one group of politics pulls the chariot,the other group is smartly ready to halt the movement of the chariot wheels, with a huge blockade called secularism. Most of the pillars of this stalling political wing,cannot be said to be ignorant of the word secularism,which actually means 'the principle of separation of the state,from religious institutions'.But still, setting aside the true meaning of the word,this state of politics tends to pamper other religions at the cost of  Hinduism and blow up their misconceived secular credentials again and again,for the sake of twisting the electronic voting machine to their side.

  Theism and atheism are personal preferences and cannot become group ideologies to encroach upon or tamper with the religious rights and rites of other people,from within the mask of politics.If one of the objectives of rationalism is to question the prevalence of religious superstition,it should not singularly target Hinduism, bypassing the presence of superstitious beliefs in most other religions. Rationalism can never be exclusively against a single religion.If that be so,it is tantamount to irrationalism.So Hinduism just says,"Oh my dear politics, leave me alone to my own survival,as a pathway to spiritualism.Neither roll the charriot,nor block its wheels for your vote bank".

  When rationalism reflects social equality and social justice,it becomes a saviour of mankind.But when it turns its face aggressively against a particular religion, its face turns ugly and becomes unlookable.It can handle separately and dynamically issues of caste supremacy, caste suppression and caste exclusion,with its inbuilt sanity and sense of purpose.

  In the event of a particular caste attempting to establish its caste supremacy over Hinduism,rationalism should question only the erroneous outlook of that caste and cannot carry it further,to the extent of casting aspersions on Hinduism itself. Nor should rationalism confine itself to greeting other religions on their days of celebrations,by ignoring the same greeting mindset,towards Hinduism. In short,let not rationalism wear the mantle of politics,to divide and rule castes in the name of religion.or handle religion with partiality,for the sake of electoral gains.Perhaps that was one reason why the most rationalistic leader Thandhai Periyar,did not want to get his socialistic movement transormed into a political party.

  It is high time politics realised in good sense,that it has nothing to do with any religion including Hinduism.Let politics stand away from Hinduism,as it does with other religions.Hinduism knows to fend for itself, because its ways are deep rooted,far and wide and cannot become a puppet in the hands of politics,to be stabbed from behind the back,off and on.

  Let the Hindutva forces understand that Hinduism does not need their help to flow and glow.Let not rationalism relate itself to atheism so as to form an ideology exclusively against Hinduism, sidestepping its inherent objectives and goals of social justice and upliftment of the underprivileged and backward sections of society.After all,there is an underlying spirit of Hinduism in every Hindu, whichever social background they belong to.Political backstab on Hinduism,is the'unkindest cut of all'.The new generation rationalists will never allow that to continue.


Wednesday, September 15, 2021


Even an unshared Cadbury bite

Can be an act of pinprick spite.

Between a prank and perversion,

Minds move in murky direction. 

A silly brain has its stock of grain

To chaff husks,of pinprick strain.

Pinpricks have a flavor for pain,

Doing things for pleasure to gain.

Damage is less but danger is more

To those,who cannot bear the sore.

If someone is boisterously bossy,

The routine is raucously noisy.

Teasing by peers,tears like tawses

Breaking the thongs of the bosses.

Children bear parents'pinpricks 

To pay them later with tiny tricks.

Between the husband and wife

On a frontier of endless strife,

Who pricks to cause more pain,

Points to,who is shrewder to gain.

It is the tone that fixes the point,

With words cutting off the joint.

If a teacher pricks,students gulp it

To return him the pain,doubly fit.

Those who govern can pick to prick,

With rules that rise,to give the kick.

Pin pricks can be a pachyderm pact,

For those who can ignore it with tact.

From the pains of pricks,some resign.

Others resign to pricks,sucking the pain. 


Thursday, September 9, 2021

மரத்தடியோ 'மன'மேடையோ!


                                                {வினைதீர்க்கும் விநாயகச்சதுர்த்தி}

அரசமரமோ ஆலமரமோ, 

முட்டுச் சந்தோ, 

முன்வாயில் மூலையோ,  

இருப்பிடம் நீ தேடி அலைவதில்லை! 

"கல்லுப் பிள்ளையார் போல்" 

எனச்சொல்லி கலாய்த்தாலும்

உனக்கொன்றும் வருத்தமில்லை.  

சொல் தவறி பிழைப்போரும்

நல்லவரும் நரியாரும், 

மல்லுக்கட்டும் தோப்புக்கரணம்

எல்லாம் தினம்கண்டு,   

உள்ளுக்குள் நகைத்திடுவாய்!  

எளிமையில்  நீயிருக்க, 

நளினமாய் பலநிறத்தில் 

நாடெல்லாம் உனைப்படைத்து,

நாளொன்றில் கரைத்திடுவர்

ஊர்வலமாய் உனைத்தூக்கி.  

உடைக்கும் செதிர்த்தேங்காய்

ஒவ்வொன்றும் உடைகையிலே, 

உன்செவிக்கு ஓர் இசையே! 

பழமும் கொழுக்கட்டையும் 

படைத்ததால்  உன்தொந்தி.

பெருத்ததென்று நினைப்போர்க்கு,

பெருத்தது அவர்கொழுப்பே!  

சொந்தக்குறை சொல்லி 

சோகத்தில் தொழுதோரின் 

ஊழ்வினைகள் உள்வாங்கி, 

வந்தாரை வாழவைக்கும் 

வளமிகு தமிழகம்போல்,

வாழ்த்திடும்  மனம்கொண்டாய். 

அந்தியிலா அரவணைப்பில்

அழகான கொம்பிரண்டில்  

வந்தவர் உடைத்துவிட்டர்


மற்றவர் குறையேற்கும்,

மூலப்பொருள் நாயகனே 

மூசிக வாகனனே, 

முழுமனதில் ஏற்றுகிறோம்; 

முந்திக் காத்திடுவாய். 

{*குறிப்பு:- பரமசிவனின் அருள்பெற்ற பரிசான பரசுராமனின் கோடரி, விநாயகர் மீது பாய,தந்தையின் பரிசுதனை தட்டிக்கழிக்க விரும்பாது, தனது இடது கொம்பினை உடைத்துக்கொள்ள தயாரானதால், விநாயகரின்  இடது கொம்பு சற்றே தகர்ந்துபோனது எனும் ரு புராணத் தகவலை மாற்றி எழுதியமைக்கு,அனைவரும் மன்னிக்கவும்*. }


Saturday, September 4, 2021

From the Teacher in You

 "Happy Teachers' Day.

  On the Fifth of September.


 Your students are not toys

 For your mind,to play with.

 You are not going to make them;

 They are self-made,with gadgets.

 You are not going to lead them,

 They have their own life's dreams, 

 To lead them from their mind stations.

 'Then what for,I am put here?'

 You may ask me aggressively, 

 With your conventional poking nose, 

 Strutting from within your bossy mask. 


 You are here seeking an identity tag,

 For being able to float your ideas 

 On their mind streams,to flow with them,

 Meeting the exploding breakthroughs. 

 Celebrate the core of teaching,

 As a torch bearing,trouble shooter

 Of  bumps and stumbling blocks,

 Against the aborption of ground realities.

 The joy of teaching is being a part of

 The jamboree gush,with all its push!

          Wishing you and all your fraternity,

          Teaming up years,with teeming joy

                                      Yours truly,

                                The Teacher in you. 
