Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Oddest Operator.

   The Oddest Operator.

Fan! Whip up passions!
Says a side of the brain.
Ban! Banish emotions!
Says the other.
Likes and dislikes are not mere labels.
They are vehicles for varied locations,
Tools of the brain, to heat and treat
Disorders small and serious,
Rooted to the whims of the bilateral
Systems of the psychic composition.
The human brain like the God Supreme
Makes and unmakes its own makings.
With its synoptic base odd and broad.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Burgeoning Eclipses.

         The Burgeoning Eclipses.

The earth has moved faster and farther
From the Platonic to the Electronic.
Eclipses stronger than the solar and lunar
Have engulfed the earth every century,
In the form of evolution and revolution.
The heirs of sages were struck down by
A subterfuge of Satanic designs;
Powerful paid brokers of politics
Have regularly revolved around religion,
Besides encircling politics with their
Preambles and precepts of perversity.
Sports and games stand sabotaged by salesman stuff.
Science is submerged in the devices of stalwarts
Of race, region and space ,
As an imp of the international barter.
Life saving hands lie mostly, currency bound.
The voice of Truth is gagged by firm falsehood.
The closed eyes of the Goddess of justice,
Reflect shame more than the sense of balance.
Gadgets have kept humanity anesthetized,
With its emotional side paralyzed beyond recovery.
The driving forces of man are man’s own making,
As eclipses growing on the planet, than around.