Saturday, January 23, 2016

Beneath One's Footprints.

Beneath One's Footprints.
I seem to cause no foot prints.
With a pair of flat, feeble feet,
In fear of hitting the soil,
I set my feet softly,
I have nothing to carry on,
To pass on or pass over,
My years have flown like
Leaves of grass and petals of flowers.
Neither fore thoughts nor after thoughts,
Have passed through my light mind.
Impressions are the assets of individuals.
I am one among the many,
Getting dissolved in the crowd.
Identity is more a badge for making bargains.
Looking always inward,I am hardly ever noticed
For an interjection of a WOW! or an OH!
I wail not, for what I want not.
After all beauty is also skin deep.
Even history exists only for reference
And not for eternal adoration and celebration.
Immortality is an itch of  the memory
Meant for rubbing of thoughts,once a way.
Death is truly a one time event,
Snapping the leafy and light winged flights of living
Made up of lofty launches, not stuck to the ground.
When the soil winds up the body with its mortal remains,
It mocks at the body, beneath its own footprints.

Monday, January 18, 2016

The Dipsomaniac.

        The Dipsomaniac.

Bottles are of different sizes,
Filled with liquids of labelled tastes
Like the castes of men on earth.
Once intoxicated,all bottles are alike
Like all men in a bundle of brotherhood.
Mixing is a matter of pride
In the world of liquor and love.
It is like blood,boasting of its single color,
Though the blood groups are like bottles of
Boundless brands and castes of men.
Once drunk,the mind becomes
An O positive group of blood with the vigor
Of a universal donor,in a spirit of giving.
All is fair in the field of boozing.
Oh,the spirit does not hang on but hangs over.
Like the egg yolk which is heavier than the egg white,
The hangover is heavier than the enjoyment.
Memories of boasts and brawls keep on
Hurling thoughts of guilt upon the conscious mind
Like stones being pelted at street dogs.
Family figures pose a foggy picture
Like ghosts rising from above the tombs.
The conscious mind is ever a curse
For one, who surrenders the subconscious
To another round of intoxicating hangover.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

பொங்குக, பணிவிழா !

  பொங்குக, பணிவிழா !
கதிரெனத்  தழைத்து  கரும்பென  உயர்ந்து
உதிரா  மகிழ்வினை  உலகினுக் களித்திட
அதிர்வுறும்  அன்பினை  அறமுடன் கலந்து ,
எதிரும்  புதிரும்  இணைத்திடும்  பொங்கல் !
பொங்கிடும்  புதுமைக்கு  பழமையே  விதை;
தங்கமாய்  மிளிரும்  தரணியின்  பசுமைக்கு
மங்கிடா  உழைப்பு  மழையெனப்  பொழிந்து ,
தேங்காது   இறங்குமே  இன்னுயிர்   ஈன்றிட  .
ஈன்றவைக்  கனிந்து,  காணும் பொங்கலாய்
இன்புறும்  மேடைகள்  மக்களுக்  களித்து,
வீணாய்ப்  போகும்  பொழுதுகள் பயன்பெற,  
மீண்டும்  மண்ணில்  பணிவிழா  பெருக்கும்..
பெருகிடும்  உழைப்பே  பெருமிதம்  படைக்கும்;
அருவியாய்ச்  சுரந்திடும்  ஆற்றலும்  ஆக்கமும் ,   
தருமமாய்த்  திறமையாய்,  தழுவித்  தோன்றலே ,
உருவமாய்  உயிர்த்தெழும்  உலகியல்  பொங்கல்.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ப.சந்திரசேகரன்.