Monday, October 6, 2014

Death is Enviable Too.

   Death is Enviable Too.
Life's enviable moments, the living know.
Do the dead know that their death is envied?
Those who were branded as burdens,
For not caring the way they should have cared,
For letting themselves be supported than supporting,
Were cursed for living as logs of wood .
But how they lived for others, met their daily needs,
With meek acceptance of mixed blames ,
Become posthumous anecdotes for a reminiscence.
A sudden, easy death, with a no nuisance blow,
Calls for a reckoning of assumptions and errors
In assessing what others were worthy of, in real value.
Funeral tears in full form, besides being spontaneous,
Acknowledge loss and guilt as the dichotomy of death.
An instant natural death mitigates at one stroke,
The pain of the dead, having been a ‘burden’ while living
And the guilt of the living for having viewed as burden,
Those who were not hangers- on, heart and soul.
The tears shed on their death, spring from cathartic base.
