Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Quest for quality.(Happy Teachers Day)


With technology occupying the driver's seat,

Teachers cannot afford to be backseat drivers.

They should strive to be the operating system

For pushing ahead, projects of wit and wisdom.

Worldwide websites are wooing the learner's hub,

Making teacher's role, either redundant or resilient.

Those resilient soon become the radiant rockstars,

Topping their ideas and facts with inspiring toolbars.

From the base of faith and passion, does teaching arise.

Patterns might change but not the purpose of function.

If a teacher fails to perform, a generation falls into the bin

With a cranky curse falling on the shameful sin.

Teaching as noble profession, rejoices in its quality quest

To feed the progressive generations, with its hefty harvest.

 P. Chandrasekaran.



  1. Teachers are life-long students. They need to follow the saying - Be a Roman when in Rome!
    No teacher can afford to ignore the technological developments taking place. They need to explore the possibilities of technology and exploit its advantages to the benefit of their students. Only then can they claim to be good educators!
