Friday, June 22, 2018

In Perfect Sync.

I joined a lengthy queue at a temple
For the worship of my pet deity.
The distance between me and God
Was eating my patience like pests.
If I were at a Church,I would sit up
Quietly on a bench, holding the Bible,
Or listening to the psalms and speeches.
I love the orderly aisles and their charm.
On a knee jerk shuddering quirk,
My mind retarded from the thought,
For fear of a serious sedentary session.
Why not I move to a mind blowing mosque
Where a clean hall would create space for me.
But there I should strain my bones and nerves
Bending more to the will, than to my whims.
The place where I stood seemed to be fine,
Because the queue before,was moving ahead,
Letting me have a glimpse of my deity's glow.
Distance is a dry design, drawn on the mind,
With its flaws pulling the body from behind.
Even a parked vehicle pines for easy retrieval;
It is patience that fits motion to forward travel.
As the child clings to its mother,in perfect sync,
Shall the body and mind glide to God's live link.

1 comment:

  1. The last four lines are impressive and they reduce the distance between the heart and the God. Because the wavering mind is controlled in the end by a sudden glimpse.
