Monday, June 11, 2018

Chair Wars.

An easy chair is almost a difficult chair
For jittery guys,whose body and mind
Keep moving all the while,ill at ease.
The rocking chair is a mocking chair
For the ones, whose anger dies down,
Only when they fall down dead.
The office chair is an awful chair for men,
Who awkwardly alter their positions,
To suit them more,than their vital roles.
The editor's chair is full of untold risks,
In encoding and decoding authorship flaws.
A merchant's chair is a motionless money spot,
Marking the route to piles,from sitting firm.
The Corporate chair is a corporeal chair,
Containing a heavy body with heavier goals.
The Jury's mired chair is appended a micro lens,
For tapping traces of justice,in a heap of injustice.
The Executive chair is an enigmatic predicament,
Dancing to the tunes of howling high commands.
A teacher's chair is meant for a standing job,
While the table at times,would replace the chair,
To make the body of the voice,visible to all.
The doctor's chair is the seat of health,
Mixing memory with bookish symptoms,
For clarifying doubts,superseding treatment.
The politicians chair is meant for the pauper
To turn rich,at the Midas touch of an election,
That kills the hopes of voters and rivals alike.
The chair of the gangster head is reserved
For his henchmen,who outsmart one another,
In unseating their boss,through under hands. 
God is not likely to own a chair in his abode,
For fear of the souls of lousy men and women, 
Who notoriously indulge in nasty chair wars.

1 comment:

  1. Good. I like this for its novel ideas. If the person who occupies the chair is mean and not eminent then it is a disgrace.
