Monday, September 18, 2017

All Pains No Gains.

Is strain,a gain or just pain?
If the harvest is a gain
It is a celebration of strain.
If the noose kills the pain of strain,
Where lies the hairline loss of gain?
When the beggars'outstretched palm
Either gains or loses the alms,
What pain is there for the automated arms?
There are those who represent others' pain
To make greedy gains with least strain.
People elect them for a perk, to ease a day's jerk.
The Gods have no qualms to see these days,
Makers of mindless gains, without a strain,
Mindfully marking a margin of their gains,
To fill God's coffers, His unearned share, as gain.
The poor are forced to open bank accounts,
With hopes of gains in their passbooks,
Only to suffer the strain of penalty
For failure to keep minimum balance.
The pain of penalty overtakes the gain of a strain.
The seniors without pension drain their balance
As the gain of their accounts,shrinks to strain.
"No pains no gains"is nothing but a stale adage.
"All pains but no gains"is the bane of bondage.

1 comment:

  1. Pleasure is pain and pain pleasure. Ironical poem that brings out the universal truth
