Sunday, April 19, 2020

The Power of Punch

 The grandeur of life is in its crystal gist,
 Like the power of the physique,in its fist.
 Words stamp their weight with a punch.
 But destiny's punch is beyond one's hunch.

 Thoughts wriggle through minds,like a worm,
 Skipping straight moves,pretending to be firm.
 The success of steering through blowing storms,
 Is the verve of the will,against flexibility norms.

 If the body and mind fit into sturdy rings of time,
 Rolling is easier,keeping roles within their prime. 
 Where roles exceed the boundaries of the rings,
 History tumbles down snapping its solid strings.

 Monuments cannot muster their glory on marshes;
 Nor can epics emerge from the lines of empty verses.
 Where the halo glows,the hollows fail to fill the space.
 Like the devil's designs draining before the saint's face .
 P. Chandrasekaran.

1 comment:

  1. En லெவலுக்கு எதுவும் சொல்ல துணிவில்லை Sr. But GREAT men thinks greatest only ...
