Friday, June 3, 2016

When Money Speaks..

Many call me money.
To mark my invisible,abstract stature.
But all treat me as cash or coin.
Cutting me into shape, as they like
Affixing figures on me,
Calling me in ritzy names, spread through,
National or regional length and breadth.
Normally I appear in paper or metal form.
These days people want to see me more,
In plastic mode, in most of their dealings.

Bearing electronic wings with an eagle's eye,
I travel like a gadget in global grandeur.
Like reptiles, I pass through every nook and corner,
Hissing secret codes for each transit.
For the honest,I am a server of what they want;
For the greedy,I am mostly a black devil
Bewitching their coffers with a clout.
When people breathe me in and out,
With a passion to conquer their dragon dreams,
I see them gasping for breath bereft of oxygen.
I am the maker of scams and scandals,
Manipulating stashing games everywhere.
I do and undo things at home and abroad,
In small and large scales and designs,
Goading,guiding,guarding and thwarting,
Things to grow, gain and crumble,
As men and their systems wish and work.
Empires are born dumping me as their base.
It is their circuitous structures that make me shake.
Like their stocks and profits from their policies, fake.

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