Wednesday, September 20, 2023

A modest patriot

When it started drizzling fast,

He kept a bucket to collect the rain drops

Trickling through the eaves of his hut.

Ocean was not his desire but water his need.

So is,each one's  love for their country.

Not heard through volumes of words

But listened to by one's soul,as heart beats.

Patriotism is like planting of saplings.

Floods of force will destroy the plants.

But when water flows like mother's milk

Into the lips of a suckling,what grows is

What sustains,to stay strong as in-built fort.

A modest patriot moulds his mind into a maven

To save his soil for everyone as the safest haven. 



  1. ....நாட்டுப்பற்று என்பது மரக்கன்றுகளை நடுவது போன்றது.... நட்ட பிறகு தான் அதிக பொறுப்புகள் வந்து சேரும் நட்டவருக்கே

    1. கருத்துப்பதிவுக்கு நன்றி.

  2. "Floods of force will destroy the plants.

    But when water flows like mother's milk

    Into the lips of a suckling, what grows is

    What sustains, to stay strong as in-built fort."

    Great; simile and metaphor!
    (In "A modest patriot moulds the mind of a maven" 'moulds' should have been 'holds')

  3. Thank you Sir for these most valued comments.
