Friday, December 15, 2017

For a Post on Your Wall.

I posted my thoughts on your mind page.
But you did not bother to put a like status. 
You are not a Troy queen, nor me a Faustus;
'We receive what we give' is a known adage.

When what I express does not get displayed,
Nor allowed to get displayed,my words go,
As if written on the running  river's mad flow.
My web page words looked widely waylaid.

The river's arrogance withers once it gets dried. 
I will post my thoughts afresh on your sand mind,
To let your sterile self,sulk under a raging rewind.
I will mark all my thoughts and words as re-tried.

You might shoot water and fire, to close my roots;
Oh! my posts and your forces, are ever in cahoots.



  1. Hi Sir,
    A first look at your post,made me to have a second look going by the second line of your post. Your ideas are unique as expressed in this episode of your shuttlethoughts. Keep it up.
