Saturday, December 23, 2023

Ease the load of God.

                 MERRY CHRISTMAS (25th Dec.2023).


When times change, rhymes change.

Alphabetical greetings with all apps,

Reflect shirking trends and sucking time.

But wherever our burdens ease,

Gratitude sees the hands of God in it.

Humanity's burden is God's burden too.

God would feel guilty of what he made

As right,ravaging the world as wrong.

The burden is always on God's shoulders.

We have not yet relieved God of our

Daily downloads and uploads of wrongs.

Let us ease God this Christmas day,and say,

Fair is fair and foul is foul as our clear goal,

To bring justice and peace closer to our soul.

                         A Joyous Christmas to all.

P. Chandrasekaran.  


  1. Great download and upload!

    A silent night, a star above, the magi coming
    With gifts hope and love – all announcing
    The birth of the Saviour of human beings!
    We send you and yours our Christmas greetings.

  2. Recalling memories of T.S.Eliot's 'Journey of the Magi' Sir.Thank you for this comment.
