Tuesday, March 7, 2023

The Fair Sex Needs a Fair Deal.


Is it,where there is woman there is pain,

Or,where there is pain there is woman?

Is woman the cause and effect of pain?

Or,is she the synonym of pain?A  quote says,

"It is woman who made us lose paradise:

But how frequently,we find it again,in her arms"

Is woman the cause of a loss and its regain?

Or is woman the symbol of loss and gain?

Leaving these questions at abrupt dead ends,

Are we fair to woman and her form and spirit?

Are the roads well laid,without U turns,

For her journey without backseat drivers?

There are too many questions,but too few answers.

When will the world see a woman's day,

Without questions,but with the affirmation

That it is fairness,what really makes woman,

The fair sex,in form and founding fact.

Accept and enjoy this fairness,as the law of life.

Pride of woman is not for a day,but for life's sway.

To see her as equal,will keep pricking thorns,far away.



  1. A meaningful poem that reminds us of many things. The question it raises as to whether woman is the cause of pain and pleasure (paradise) is an allusion to the Garden. Whether woman is the cause of loss and gain should imply that she is the source of life, which is full of ups and downs. The poet seems to look forward to a day when women will be as independent as men, and when men will be as fair to women as they deserve!
    Congratulations, Prof. Chandrasekharan, on composing a good poem and dedicating it to women on account of the International Women's Day!

  2. Enjoyed reading this uncle. Best wishes. ...For her journey Without back seat drivers? What is meant here uncle?

  3. Backseat drivers are normally a nuisance to, drivers of independent driving capacity.
