'First impression is the best impression', is an age-old adage. Impression is both a matter of the body and mind.It is not just humans who take strides to impress.Even birds and animals impress,in their own ways.If impression is a way of drawing the attention of others,most birds and animals do that job amazingly.For that matter,man wants whatever he makes,to impress the world,so as to outsource his imagination, thought process and inventive/constructive/ creative expertise.
Trying to impress others and looking for others to impress oneself,are the dual sides of the art of impressing.To put it more lightly,words can carry their message impressively,only when they are rightly told or put in black and white.Lack of'impression'of even a letter in a word,can at times cause a lot of problems and end up in failing to pass on the intended message,meant for impressing someone.
However,as every issue has its other side of the argument,the basic question that arises in the matter of impressing is whether it is necessary to impress anyone artificially,or by losing one's self-image and self dignity.The following quotes would set the impression-crazy world to think differently about the art of impressing.
i}You were not born to impress the world but to influence the
{Matshona Dliwayo}
ii}We might impress
people with our strengths but we
connect with people through our weaknesses.
{Craig Groeschel}
iii}The less you try to impress,the more impressive you are.{Denis Waitley}
Whatever be the arguments against the need for impressing others,the world today wants men and women to resort to a strenuous course of impressing somebody,at the cost of their time,money and even their right to own their ideas at their mandatory stage of performance,be it before a higher up at the work spot,or a girl friend,or a fiance/fiancee or a client or anyone else in one's contact.
We live in a media-driven,publicity-prone,advertisement-bound,mad mad society,where everything and everybody are subject to a kind of assessment of quality or stuff,other wise known as brand image.There is a pressure on everybody to impress their observers, without which,it would cause a crisis for survival.From politics to religion,from trading empires to educational institutions,from scientific research to sporting activity,from health care to entertainment,from social networks to the communication sector,everywhere it is the competitive edge that predetermines the predominance of casting one's impression.
There is a competition even in impressing Gods,through offerings and incomparable prayer modes,instead of doing things the way one should do it.In a world of artificial intelligence and genetic modification of various kinds,the art of impressing has its newly devised technicalities. Recently, there was a news video showing a feminine robotic statue kept in a business house,to impress the customers through cute exchange of courtesies and offers of assistance. Nevertheless,setting aside the cry for competition,the truest way to win over the observation and assessment of others,is to become highly indispensable as a natural achiever of dreams,for a self-made impression.
The zeal to impress and the expectation to get impressed are both negative parameters that throttle the scope of verity and credibility.Do not expect someone to impress.On the other hand accept the other person as they are.Nobody is born here,to change the personality of others.If anyone is capable of transmitting inspiration, those who are within the ambit of such a transmission,will naturally get inspired and transform themselves into new born individuals,with an upgraded image.
In the same way,nobody is born here,for the sole task of impressing others. The unique characteristic of life is to stay true to one's own emotions and ideologies and not to pledge one's psyche to someone in the name of impressing them.The art of impressing is nothing but a corollary to the part and parcel of being an individual,in body mind and spirit,by their own merit and not by thriving on borrowed feathers.If you ask me,whether to impress or not to,the answer is you needn't;your thoughts,words and actions will.
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