Thursday, August 10, 2023

Confidence or No Confidence?

Self-confidence reflects

What one believes in oneself.

No confidence refutes

What is believed in others.

The world is full of confidence tricksters.

Their speech is a sedative or a narrative

That lets others either sleep or believe.

Words may be just needles of a syringe

To bring others under their doctrine,

Or paddles of a boat, to sail to their defence.

Reasoning is the razor's edge for tricksters.

Ranting makes them rock and cause blisters.

Listening to them is an exercise in delusion.

Because they keep listeners' minds in dilution

An awakened mind raises the sudden alarm

To treat confidence tricks as a teacup's storm.

When force and thrust become a freeway drive,

The ears and the mind should resist to thrive.

Once the dynamics of the tricks are dispelled, 

No confidence move is viewed to be rightly held.

P. Chandrasekaran.


  1. When it is put to test, conscience plays its role, and when it is put to vote, 'majority' plays its role!
