Sunday, May 23, 2021

Covid Tears

Man heads either fears,or sheds tears,

Meeting his mood,with truth or trick.

The mind forms its fungus black or white, 

On a base,unknown to its awkward face .

Tears always fall,when death takes its toll;

Death is more personal than a political call.

But Covid has its catalogue of shedding tears;

Like those shed in time,or as stock  of the years.

Timely tears fall like a fountain of sorrow.

Delayed tears are shed,slating system's failures

To save lives,with a prompt pamphlet of action.

Conscience has its back pages to visit and wail.

Waning oxygen flow and wavering of vaccine,

Will look upon serial sermons,with a silly grin.

Weathering the ship in a storm,is the captain's job;

Tears with trait would save people,from many a sob.
