A traitor to the conscience,Truth is,
Tracking falsehood as its shadow,
Or walking with it on a parallel lane,
Violating the vital norms of qualms.
Truth shamelessly wears the world's
Most gorgeous costumes and cosmetics,
Smuggled by falsehood,for a fashion parade,
At the avenues of Justice and jurisprudence.
Conscience is under the constant grip of
A Jekyll and Hyde game,almost everywhere.
Tainted truth,eats away the qualms of conscience,
Like the fence fiendishly grazing the green field;
Like the cattle that starve for their daily fodder,
Justice too starves for its balance and neutrality.
When conscience is crudely constrained to be
The rubber stamp of the rotten layers of truth,
Blinded justice beckons a bunch of errors,
To voice its verdicts,with choking blunders.
Only if Truth buries falsehood,placing on it a wreath,
Covid ridden conscience will have fresh air to breathe.