Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Welcome the Vaccine Year 2021.

   {Picture Courtesy:-Depositphotos}

The torrid Twenty Twenty,has cooked up its overs,

Bowling us all rough and tough,into falling wickets.

Umpires too fell,shaken by the grave,game norms.

Empty galleries,witnessed the wail of falling balls.

Will the fall of the foul game,forestall its ill victory?

A year worried all over,is a year lost in everyone's life.

Never did a year's most leaves wither while sprouting.

Never did the masked months,see the dates dithering.

Let the year in sight be a resurrection of buried might,

Emerging as sparks of hope,to restore our resilient trait.

The globe retreated from its onward march by a blight;

All that was lost,will be rebooted to reach a new height.

If social distance disappears,distant goals will be closer,

Helping society screen many great films,without a teaser.


புத்தாண்டு ஆரத்தி

தரையில் உயிர்களின் 

தக்கத்திமித் தாளம்; 

தடுப்பூசி வந்துவிட்டால் 

வெடுக்கென வீழும், 

தொற்றுநோய் வேதாளம்.

பொக்கைவாய்க் குழந்தையென, 

புத்தாண்டு பிறக்கட்டும்.  

பக்கமாய் பாசத்துடன் 

பழகிட வருவோரை, 

தூரத்தில் வைக்காது, 

அக்கறையாய்க் கைகுலுக்கி 

அடிமனசை குளிரவைப்போம். 

பக்குவமாய்க் கைகழுவும் 

பாடம்படி பழக்கத்தால், 

கைசுத்தம் என்றென்றும் 

மெய்ச்சுதம் ஆகட்டும். 

சமூகத் தூரத்தை 

சத்தமின்றி  துரத்தி, 

அமோகப் பரிவுடன் 

அன்பு படைப்போர்க்கு,

ஆரத்தி எடுப்போம். 

கலையட்டும்  முகக்கவசம்! 

முகம்மகிழும் காட்சியினை,

அகமகிழ்ச்சி ஆளட்டும்! 

கனிவுடன் முழுமுகத்தை, 

புத்தாண்டாய் வரவேற்போம்!

ப.சந்திரசேகரன் .  


Thursday, December 24, 2020

Christmas Song Dec 25th, 2020


                              Picture courtesy:-

                                                                           Yulian Karadzhov

  Last year's Christmas bells still seem to be

  Tolling aloud,sounding as ceaseless knell;

  Death has taken a deadly toll in the midst,

  With a virulent virus making tallest claims.


  Christmas celebrates the origin of faith 

  As fresh leaves of life,brightly branching

  Over and above the drained dead leaves,

  That fell fast and vast,by a beastly blow.

 Nations that imported a panicky pandemic,

 Are racing neck and neck,to export vaccines.

 The best vaccine born of God's vector analysis,

 Would distribute the magnitude of goodness. 

 Goodness that counters the viruses of the mind,

 Saves Christmas cheer,from being quarantined.


Saturday, December 12, 2020

"அடி ஏன்டி,அசட்டுப் பெண்ணே!"

அழுத கண்ணீர்,அரசாணை  அகற்றுமோடி?  

தொழுத தெய்வம்,துணையாக  நிற்குமோடி? 

உழுத நிலம்,விளைந்த பயிர்  விற்குமோடி?

மழையடிக்க,மடிந்த பயிர் துளிர்க்குமோடி? 

பழுதடைந்த வண்டி ரோட்டில்  ஓடுமோடி? 

விழுது வந்து வேரதனைத் தாங்குமோடி? 

எழுதிவைத்த இறைவன் விதி மாறுமோடி?

கழுதைப் பொதி கழுதையது அறியுமோடி? 


செழித்தவர்க்கு சிறியோர்க் குரல் கேட்குமோடி?

அழுத்த மின்றி அநீதியென்றும் அடங்குமோடி?

முழம் போட வெறுங்கையால்  முடியுமோடி  ? 

முழி பிதுங்கும்  வேளையிது தெரியுமோடி? 

எழுச்சியினை இரும்புக் கரம்  இறுக்குமோடி?

பிழைச் சட்டம் என்பதெனில் பிழைக்குமோடி?

ப.சந்திரசேகரன் .   

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Can Rajini turn an MGR or fill up the void?

   Nobody can be a replica of anybody.Even Gandhi and Nehru who carried on the Freedom Movement,were marked by their distinct framing of objectives and goals and had occasions to stamp their individuality,in embracing those objectives and goals.Every individual is made up of a solid stuff of their own.It was this unique factor of individuality that made Gandhi a Mahatma and Nehru a popular prime minister.

   MGR who shared almost equal popularity with his pet leader Anna,did not share Anna's brand of  eloquence and literary quest.But he reached the masses through his own silver screen image of an ever good hero,doing only the right thing on the screen at all times.In due course,his screen image seamlessly got blended with his political image.Jeyalalitha who was partially groomed by MGR and who succeeded him in earning his political mantle,showed more explicit courage than the founder leader of the party but failed in sustaining his undefeatable victory march.Both MGR and Jeyalalitha who ruled the state of Tamil Nadu after ruling the Tamil big screen,were political yields of a long term crop.  

   Nevertheless,in politics fast food brand is also possible as in the case of the demi God NTR in Andhra Pradesh.But as in the case of fast food,whose taste cannot last long,NTR's regime could not last longer on account of back stabbers rising from his own fold.One cannot say that a fast food kind of political yield is impossible in Tamil Nadu,because Tamil soil which has an extraordinary strength to absorb instant torrents of rain,withstand serial storms and resist resiliently,a notorious pandemic,also has an innate flair,for accommodating changes of all kinds as and when they occur.

   As far as politics is concerned ideological moorings have only their back pages.People talk about ideological shifts without any ideology or idea.Similarly statements of leadership vacuum are as void as the vacuum itself.Many thought the ship of AIADMK would collapse after the demise of its mighty woman captain.But the ship has weathered various storms,on account of its internal necessity for survival of tenure and external support,born of political machinations.

  There are times when things can happen even in the absence of dynamic leadership,on account of compulsive survival formula perceptions.When Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated many would have thought that the country's navigation would go rudderless.But there was a P.V.Narasimha Rao and a Manmohan Singh who ran the country as efficiently as they could.While the former was known for his administrative acumen the latter is regarded for his personal integrity.But both can not be called vacuum fillers.In fact the status of socalled vacuum is filled up by the developing course of events rather than by individuals.It is the steering that matters and not an individual's charisma.Hence the very thought of leadership vacuum falls by its own emptiness.

   Politics and Cinema are not always two sides of the same coin as in the case of MGR and Jeyalalitha,but exist as independent field power determiners.If they are always two sides of the same coin Sivaji Ganesan,Vijayakanth and Kamalahasan should all have tasted the polical success of the other two leaders. Rajinikanth who has attained the superstar status in Tamil Cinema has endeared himself to his widest fan base,through his unique style of acting.Most people love him and blessed he is,in that way.If cinema can be a threshold of politics for all heroes,it could be presumed that people live in a land of illusion,created by frustrations of reality.

  Rajini is not MGR in the sense that he has not built up his image as a social revolutionary on the silver screen as MGR effectively did.Besides his singular style and punch dialogues,Rajini has also proved his mettle as a dynamic hero with his characteristic voice vibration and emoting excellence,capable of delivering a charismatic appeal to all sections of the audience.In fact,his hero stuff has travelled in between that of MGR and Sivaji Ganesan.But people admire his screen presence more,than his still pending, real time demonstration of substantial leadership traits.

   Even in the case of MGR and Jeyalalitha political struggles preceded political success.MGR took considerable time after his political expulsion.Tamil Dailies like Alai Osai gave him the initial boost of publicity.Despite decades of association with the DMK and despite his long term political experience along with cinema,MGR waited for several inputs,before launching a political outfit. Jeyalalitha's struggle was still worse.She had to brace stiff internal hurdles, contest on a different symbol{Cock symbol},prove her popularity at the hustings and then gain control of the party and its two leaves symbol.

  Over the decades,many have stamped their feet on the political ground in Tamil Nadu.Big and small players,established Dravidian outfits,age old Congress and the Communists,splinter groups branching out from the Dravidian parties,caste outlets and film stars have all paraded here with fanfare,,spreading competitions and splitting the votes.These days people are easily aware of the daily developments,reaching them as information, misinformation and nightmares. So far,Rajini has reached the people of Tamil Nadu only as a probable,or prospective politician and not as a progressive leader of a great political movement. 

   Ultimately,it is funding that is going to matter.Without hefty funding politics will remain only as a paper weight. MGR had invested his faith among the Tamils as a lovable and credible leader through his unwavering roles in films.Election funding during his time did not include any provision for purchasing votes.MGR was closer to the hearts of the poor as the good Samaritan.It was people's love for him that was transformed into votes.That MGR was a teetotaller and that he was far from caste and religious politics,helped him belong to all castes and religious groups,without any prejudice.Beyond all these observations and interpretations,it is still a matter of doubt,whether Rajini with his volatile and wavering footholds,has personally made up his mind to sail his political ship in the much troubled waters.The MGR's formula of politics is no where near Rajini's grasp.Nor is Rajini going to fill up any non existing void.




Friday, December 4, 2020

When People Plunge into Politics........

When people plunge into politics,

Their images reflect them differently.

Politics is of course,not a murky mirror.

But when murky people stand before it,

They change its right reflection theories.

Fair people set right the fissures in the mirror.

But foul men fix fissures,to match their looks.

Some leaders believe,they make their following.

While others conceive themselves,in them.

Today concocted crowds cheer the leaders.

Food and funds,transport political faiths,

From place to place,from pillar to post,

To create a celluloid kind of hallucination.

When reality is a reflection of free fiction,

Heroes of the screen are hyped as Harbingers

Of new life,to systems and structures in disarray.

Caste is the storyline and corruption,the constant

Production house,with religion as its backdrop.

Plunge or made to plunge,by'play back'pundits,

Beware of the folks present in the concocted crowd.

Their food and fund cannot reflect their faith.

When people drive on political roads,with a pattern,

It is good they watch closely their rear view mirrors.

Objects in the mirror may be closer than they appear.

But objectives are more far off,than they appear to be.
