Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Wish List
Friday, August 21, 2020
மூக்கணாங் கயிறு.
நாக்கின் நமைச்சலில் நழுவிடும் சொற்கள்,
தீக்கிரை யாக்குமாம்,தேன்கூட் டுறவை.
பாக்கள் பலவும் புனைவோர் அவையிலும்,
வாக்கினில் பிறழ்வர்,ஒட்டக் கூத்தனாய்.
தாக்கிடும் கொம்புடை,குறும்புக் காளையை,
பூக்களின் நாரென புதுமணம் பரப்பியே
மூக்கணாங் கயிறெனும் திருமணக் கூடலில்,
சீக்கிரம் இழைவது சேவலோ,கோழியோ?
போக்குகள் மாறிடும் புதுவழிச் சாலையில்,
Friday, August 14, 2020
Freedom Means More
{Happy 74th Independence day}
{15th August 2020}
Our country was not born this day;
Invaders were fought against and driven out,
Through decades of drilling episodes.
Independence is not a concept but a feeling.
Existing and exceeding ills,hurt this feeling;
Daily toxins,released by infected minds,
Invade and pollute the air of independence.
Brewing conflicts of religion and language,
Batter the butter into pieces,with little scope
For a free,deep breath, at each one's space.
Binoculars are used to spot historical dots,
As missing masterstrokes of mainstream heroes.
New stones are laid to inscribe forgotten names.
But the pride of the hour is the holistic grasp
Of long drawn disputes,with a judicial score.
Between the Pandemic and the Pan India plans,
God has reassured his most believed,Main Spot,
To auger hopes,for injecting the vaccine of unity.
Let our traditions outwit the temper of politics,
Making our freedom mean truly, what it depicts.
P. Chandrasekaran.
Sunday, August 9, 2020
A Mammal in Mixed Form
He would have many cracks to approach.
If he were a wary,winged bird,
He would say many a fledged word.
If he were a silly,slimy worm,
He would have a 'flexible' term.
If he were a sinister snake,
He would give many,a shake.
If he were a'lofty'lizard,
He would be called a wizard.
A centipede if he ever were,
He would cause a fright,rare.
If he were a cringing,lousy leech,
He would let others' blood,bleach.
If he were a caterpillar of jerking horror,
He would cater to itching tales of terror.
Birds,pests and reptiles are seen with a stare,
By man's mixed and mindless mammal flair.
Look!man is pest,bird and reptile in single fold,
With many of his crazy,cockroach tales,untold.