Scaling New Heights.
Motherhood is a masterpiece in creativity
And not a mechanical delivery system;
Childhood is the instant access to innocence.
And not a castle building course in the cradle.
Boyhood is making buoyant steps forward
And not a breezy stroll, for borrowing
Lifestyle manual in easy installments.
Girlhood is a self governing grand script
Not a selfie device for gaining leverage
Through competitive fashion parades.
Adulthood is a sabbatical state between
The bonny side of bachelorhood and marriage
And not for beating against the walls in self defeat.
Ageing should be a guiding calendar sheet
Not a fodder for fruitless and futile mastication
On the soiled stories of a life time.
If each stage of life is at loose ends with the other,
It is a struggle for fitting fragments into a perfect form.
If one follows the other,living gets stereotyped.
If each stage of life influences the other as a leading ladder,
The right mix of stages, mounts new heights for views broader