Monday, February 17, 2014

It’s Bells All the Way..

    It’s Bells All the Way.

The bells are religious.
For the Hindus,
The jingling bells  forecast
The arrival of an elephant or a line of elephants.
The temple bells tether one’s thoughts closer,
To the mood of  in- depth prayer.
The bells also pronounce  the schedule of
Gods, at their showers and meals.
For the Christians, the church bells toll
The chain of events like birth, marriage and death.
Besides marking the mind to the  Mass.
The funeral bells of course, freeze
The mind with the biblical facts of life.

The bells are psychological.
At college, as if at a click of the mouse,
They connect to newer log in sessions.
 But at school, they are the harbinger of moods
Such as fear, relief and joy .
As the morning school bell goes,
Nervous symptoms travel through the hours,
On being spotted and named for omissions of kinds.
When the last bell goes, pat moves out of school gates,
A crowd of legs on a sprint, sport free race;
A couple of limbs here and there, holding
The falling trousers and skirts,
Speak of wild ecstasy, born of relief.
The week end  and  term end bells,
Unleash a rapid flow of nimble feet,
Moving in anticipated directions,
For a meaty, merry go round.

The bells are travel prone;
They  ring at the small railway stations,
For the arrival and departure of trains,
That are mostly behind schedule;
The bells seem to say ‘buck up commuters’;
And those commuting, jostle with one another,
For a timely board in and bump out,
On and after, an erratic choice of compartments.
It’s bells all the way in everyone’s life
Being the calling bells and telephone bells ,
Ringing now and then, day in and day out,
As the reporting layers of the routine stuff,
At times rattling the inmates too,
Bringing unwelcome visitors and unnerving calls.

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