Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Screen Prototypes.

The Screen Prototypes.

Life is a Television Watch.
Life’s routine revolves  around
A remote switch, stuck magnetically,
To an audio visual system programming,
Carrying shows of several genres,
On screens, small and big, at the money’s byte.
Choice of programmes   goes by fixed  schedules.
Childhood hovers around days of the Pogo
And the Tom and Jerry merry row.
Showers of the Cartoon shows steer joyous hours.
Adolescence  is  on a discovery drive,
Clicking the remote in simian style,
From channel to channel through the self- prone tunnel.
Aggressive programmes augment its frenzy.
Teenage, in a tantalized trend, touts the body bets,
In a romantic round, on its self- choreographed sets.
Channels of music and fashion show, make a major flow.
Adulthood augers well for austere slots.
Compered events on screen, are compared at a regular pace;
Verdicts on issues through debates, set the domestic ball in motion .
Ageing, like an automated teller machine,
Dispenses  with serials, light and grave, in a series,
Like currency of different denominations for the clicked figure.
In the event of system failure, news and spiritual channels fill the bill.
From the crib to the grave, the events of life, 
Pass on like preset episodes on a colour monitor,
Boosting and booing one’s pattern of living.

1 comment:

  1. The television imagery is dexterously employed to describe the routine life. Good.
