Christmas Song Dec.25,2012
Christmas is a celebration in aesthetics.
Bethlehem was the centre from where,
Beauty began its breezy flow in all fineness.
The stars that guided the Magi,
Were drawn over there by a fascinating flash.
The symmetry behind the crib and the Christmas
Was the synopsis of a structural evolution
That placed the form
of beauty
Far beyond its skin-deep formulations
a static sensuous pattern.
characterized beauty
As a growing,
governing and galvanizing course.
There is beauty in
the flow of blood
Running through our
veins and arteries
Like the beauty of
the psalms flowing into our souls.
The delight of
Christmas is in the dynamics of love,
That makes each one’s
life a carry on process
Holding closely to
each one’s thoughts
The crystal concept
of beauty as truly as,
The beautiful words
adorning the pages of the Bible.
Christian love is the theme.