'Hip Hip Hurray', is mankind's glory.
'Hip Hip Harass', has turned it gory.
When and where did harassment begin?
From time immemorial, with kith and kin.
Some are misconstrued that even the gods harass us,
If we cross their lines and corrupt their premises.
When parents harass children, they are on the run;
Teachers' harassment drives them to trigger the gun.
The worst harassed are the feeble and toyed, fair sex,
Who have to muster their muscles, to mightily flex.
'We too stories' have now surpassed the me-too voices,
Putting the so-called celebrities, into positional reverses.
Harassment at work spots has versatile tales of victims.
Bodies of men and women fall a prey to abusive whims.
But these are times when religion is harassed by politics,
And democracy, by the capitalists'hip hip harass' pricks.
P. Chandrasekaran.