Right Wing Thoughts.
When we were fledged,
Our right wing spread first;
The left lagged behind.
Being always right,we thought,
The left is bereft of the might of right.
We are sticklers to well set norms,
And not losers with liberal storms.
Our one target orientation owns us.
We do not look side ways to add weight.
Our soul is stronger,not being secular.
Our own values govern us,not others'.
Demagogues call us democrats.
Rebels keep telling,we are rigid.
Carnival pets, call us conservatives.
Carpet baggers cast calumny against us,
Calling us communal with majority guts.
All this acrimony and all these aspersions,
Not just because, we are always right,
But because we strongly believe
That might alone can never be right.
When we were fledged,
Our right wing spread first;
The left lagged behind.
Being always right,we thought,
The left is bereft of the might of right.
We are sticklers to well set norms,
And not losers with liberal storms.
Our one target orientation owns us.
We do not look side ways to add weight.
Our soul is stronger,not being secular.
Our own values govern us,not others'.
Demagogues call us democrats.
Rebels keep telling,we are rigid.
Carnival pets, call us conservatives.
Carpet baggers cast calumny against us,
Calling us communal with majority guts.
All this acrimony and all these aspersions,
Not just because, we are always right,
But because we strongly believe
That might alone can never be right.