Christmas Song 25th Dec 2014
A true Christian does not claim to be canonized.
What one deserves is a determiner of and a cause for,
What is to follow as a sequel, in the name of the Lord.
What has to follow, may, or may not and need not.
But what one follows in life, makes much sense,
As the leading factor of life, through the path picked up,
The program and process of the journey,
The power drive and the post of the goals, at the end.
It is always, the leading spirit and not the leader that
Christ was the leading spirit that stood for shouldering
Not one’s but others’, at each one’s will.
To ask, if nails came first and the Cross after,
Is to ask if hatred came first and love later.
But the nails fixed grandeur on the cross;
Like hatred, that let out the logo of love.
Christmas triggers the motion of the mind,
On a wheel of love, rolling to rule mankind
The motion continues, making miracles;
Transforming miracles into mainstream, through major pathways,
Resembling the pattern of aisles in a chapel and a church,
That secure each one’s place for peace order and joy in a
For celebrating Christmas and for taking the call for