Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Not in Harmony.

      Not in Harmony.

The earth is not wanting rains at all times.
But the dodging darker clouds keep jilting
Many a pocket of the earth, playing truant.
Sterile parts of the earth succumb to the
Capricious parade of the Casanova clouds.
While the white patches of clouds turn saintly,
The darker ones don a devil-may care attitude.
Either it rains cats and dogs, casually claiming
A catastrophic character, or play a hide and seek,
Trouncing the thirsty soil with a miser’s mischief.
There is no natural divorce between the earth and clouds.
Nor is there a chemistry or wavelength between the two.
The frigid parts of the earth and the frenetic clouds
Sustain their fragile equations in a fixed form and fold.
When man denies water, it becomes an issue;
When nature’s maddening mood swings shut the water gates,  
Silence prevails, as if it were  time for shrouds and wreaths.