Tuesday, October 15, 2024

தேய்மானத் தாக்கங்கள்

தரம் தேய்ந்திடின்,

தரவுகள் தளர்ந்து திசைமாறும்.

உரம் தேய்ந்திடின், 

உறுதியின் ஊட்டம் உதிரும்.

திறன் தேய்ந்திடின்,

தலைமையே தடம் புரளும்.

பறை தேய்ந்திடின்,

முரசின் மூச்சு நிற்கும்.

சிரம் தேய்ந்திடின்,

சிந்தனையில் சீழ் பிடிக்கும்.

மரம் தேய்ந்திடின்,

மறுமுனை கிளைச் சாயும்.

புறம் தேய்ந்திடின்,

அகத்தின் அகந்தை வீழும்.

நிறம் தேய்ந்திடின்,

நளினம் நலிந்து போகும்.

வரம் தேய்ந்திடின்,

இறையருள் தூரம் கூடும்.

பிறை தேய்ந்திடின்,

பிறகது வளர்ந்து ஔியூட்டும்.

கரம் தேய்ந்திடின்,

களத்தினை தோல்வி கவ்வும்.

அறம் தேய்ந்திடின்,

அடிமனையே ஆட்டம் காணும்.

மனம் தேய்ந்திடின், 

மகிழ்ச்சியை முகம் புதைக்கும். 

மானம் தேய்ந்தின், 

மரணம் கூட மாண்பிழக்கும்.  


Monday, September 30, 2024


Crush is sudden,but never hidden.

Like a crushing flash of lightening, 

It dazzles the mind,throwing reason

Into the winds,with a bundle of blushes.

Crush pushes the brain to a back slot,

Like waterfalls weighing down bodies;

Like a gush of winds,blowing away balloons.

Born in haste,crush has no character base.

Crush if rejoiced,revels in romantic glory.

If rejected,it rides on roads with wrath,gory.

Crush is a mesh that entangles one's moods,

That get crashed like moths undone by lamps.

Crush is born to burst fast,like serial crackers

Sabotaging others' hearts as systemic hackers.

As crush is a visual stroke short and sweet,

Speedily the crushed minds,grudge to greet.


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Motivation modules.

  Motivation is too general a term to be specified. A child on the process of gestation, motivates a pregnant woman towards positive motherhood. After the child is born,the mother spends almost every moment, motivating the child at every stage in its growth, until it reaches adulthood. For most offsprings, parents are the close role models depending upon who performs the role of parenting better,between the father and mother.

  Every individual's chance of exposure to the world outside, in the form of educational institutions,friends and relatives,work spots, nature of jobs, places visited and fields associated with, turn to become motivating factors in a person's life.An individual's grasp of contexts and events, triggers the brain to react and evolve the overall personality of a person.

  The world has become a more complicated place today, on account of the various websites both social and informative,moving around everybody's life. When the world was small,with one's life routine being confined to one's home and hometown, things were easier to manage,and the mind of man had little or less chance for temptation to deviate from the preset objectives and goals.Cinema was the only distracting pull in the past. Whereas today, various pulls are there to distract and induce individuals,to deviate from their performance orientation.

  Values were held in high esteem in the past. Consequently, moral instruction classes were found to be valid in all schools,especially at the primary school learning stage. Contrarily, in a value shrinking universe, the fittest kind of motivation is to keep every block closely linked to the happenings around it,and help it learn survival lessons with competence but without crookedness. Even now, moral instruction classes at the primary learning stage could be made a vital part of the academic programme;but it should be done without any bearing on religion,because in a class of mixed religious groups,focus on any particular religion would become counter productive. 

   I believe lessons in language books in various states of India,have at least a couple of poems,essays,and short stories to expose the students to certain basic values of life such as self-esteem,self- confidence,personal integrity and respect for fellow human beings as well as all living beings.Language teachers have the paramount responsibility of infusing the aforesaid values into the nascent brains of the students,at the primary and secondary levels of education. Next to parents,it is the teaching section which is expected to be the chief motivating channel for students. 

  Public and private schools can be empowered to arrange for motivation lectures by learned and inspiring individuals,who have neither political lenience nor religious affiliation.Spiritual discourses belong to a separate zone and there are veteran speakers on spiritual topics,who occupy the centre stage outside the academic ambience, especially at various worship spots and religious forums.As far as schools are concerned, it is sensibly desirable to keep politics and religion outside its four walls.

  Any motivation lecture should be confined to building and promoting the physical and emotional wellbeing of a budding generation, so as to avoid the origin of prejudices or any controversial mind frames,besides enabling the posterity to successfully sail through the sea of humanity and survive effectively without causing nuisance to the changing currents and waves of the sea. 

 As late Dr.K.Chellappan, former Professor and Head of the Dept. of English, Bharathidasan University said in a You tube compiled video programme,every individual can prefer to be "an imperfect human being,to the frozen universe",because only imperfection cries for perfection. The cry for perfection should be generated in the minds of the youth through motivation lectures,by linking the present to the future, setting both individual and collective happiness and peace of mankind, as the combined goals of mankind.In this regard,evolution,experience, enlightenment,and empathy are the four pillars of humanity and motivation modules should be exclusively concretised,to strengthen these four pillars.    


Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Quest for quality.(Happy Teachers Day)


With technology occupying the driver's seat,

Teachers cannot afford to be backseat drivers.

They should strive to be the operating system

For pushing ahead, projects of wit and wisdom.

Worldwide websites are wooing the learner's hub,

Making teacher's role, either redundant or resilient.

Those resilient soon become the radiant rockstars,

Topping their ideas and facts with inspiring toolbars.

From the base of faith and passion, does teaching arise.

Patterns might change but not the purpose of function.

If a teacher fails to perform, a generation falls into the bin

With a cranky curse falling on the teachers.as shameful sin.

Teaching as noble profession, rejoices in its quality quest

To feed the progressive generations, with its hefty harvest.

 P. Chandrasekaran.


Saturday, August 31, 2024

'Hip Hip Harass'

'Hip Hip Hurray', is mankind's glory.

'Hip Hip Harass', has turned it gory.

When and where did harassment begin?

From time immemorial, with kith and kin.

Some are misconstrued that even the gods harass us,

If we cross their lines and corrupt their premises.

When parents harass children, they are on the run;

Teachers' harassment drives them to trigger the gun.

The worst harassed are the feeble and toyed, fair sex,

Who have to muster their muscles, to mightily flex.

'We too stories' have now surpassed the me-too voices,

Putting the so-called celebrities, into positional reverses.


Harassment at work spots has versatile tales of victims.

Bodies of men and women fall a prey to abusive whims.

But these are times when religion is harassed by politics,

And democracy, by the capitalists'hip hip harass' pricks.

P. Chandrasekaran.

Monday, August 26, 2024

When Oliver asks for more

   "Oliver asks for more" is an important chapter in Charles Dickens' most famous novel 'Oliver Twist'. When Oliver a young boy who was put up in a Parish orphanage, asked for another bowl of gruel 'the master aimed a blow at Oliver's head with the ladle; pinioned him in his arm; and shrieked aloud for Mr. Bumble the beadle".Asking for more was viewed as an act of rebellion and hence Oliver was treated as a rebel. When an individual asks for more, he/she is punished. Whereas, if it is a bunch of voices asking for more, it becomes a collective demand and attracts the attention of those who govern.

  Asking for more is one of the most essential human tendencies, because many times, things do not happen without asking for, and social justice is not something that comes 'as naturally as leaves to a tree'. In most populous democratic countries with mixed social groups, every social category comes upon with genuine demands and it becomes the responsibility of governments to consider and yield at least to some of their demands of dire necessity. At the same time, with multiple social sectors striving for achieving each one's demands, divisive tendencies explode to the extent of each section accusing the other, against eating away the resources due to them.

   During these times of social media upheavals, there is an accrual of mutually murky and vituperative viewpoints, hurting one another .From reservation to remuneration and fund allocation for social welfare measures, everything is subject to criticism. The most recent issue in this regard is about the upgraded new pension scheme of the central government employees, which evoked both balanced and aggressive criticisms in social websites, especially in the X handle. Some people even expressed the extreme view of scrapping pension for government employees.

  Individual and collective demands may be genuine or exaggerated. Public criticism may be balanced or prejudiced. But the point here is putting oneself in each other's spot,and looking at the issues as insiders rather than as outsiders. Whenever the governments revise the salary of the employees once in ten years, there is the possibility of some kind of disparity in the revision that might affect the seniors.

   In such contexts, the senior employee can represent the disparity only as 'senior getting less than junior' and not as 'junior getting more than senior'. This is because, while the first representation could be viewed as a call of injustice, the second one might reflect a sense of jealousy. This kind of interpretation could be extended to one section's reaction to other section's benefits too.

   The government employees and pensioners hardly compare their financial demands with those of their brethren in private and corporate sectors. Nor do they question the distribution of funds towards socio-amelioration measures resorted to, by the government. Many people outside the government sector, seem to think that they alone are the taxpayers forgetting the fact that government employees and pensioners are also taxpayers of various kinds. In a vast democracy like India, every section can make its demands, ask for what they need, and for this they need a collective voice. There is no meaning in making negative criticism about the benefits meted out to one sector by the other sector, by making foul cries that one section is getting more.

   Mere inter sector comparisons will not take us anywhere. Times periodically shuffle fortunes with misfortunes. Employees of Public Sector undertakings like BHEL, nationalized banks, and various insurance agencies under the union government, whose employment portfolios held proud monetary positions, are facing desperate times today, with competitive challenges, and sliding monetary benefits. Poor farmers, the running staff on the Railways, Roadways, Airways, those toiling in the defence forces and in the Merchant Navy the daily wage earners,the Indian labour force striving in foreign countries for survival,those languishing in the film industry and many other sectors have their voices to be listened to.

  Fighting for others' issues, besides a sector fighting for its own needs, would move forward towards creating an egalitarian society. Greed and sector jealousy are potential weak points that would strengthen the hands of the egregiously wealthy and ostentatious Titans, sucking the blood of the nation. Unless each sector collectively asks for more, like Oliver, only stone age tendencies will prevail. Collective voice alone will save not only democracy but also humanity. Ask for what is due to you, and let others get what is due to them. In my view, people working in every government and private sector, need reasonable pension, and pension should be an inclusive vital part of a social security scheme, protecting the dignity of every senior citizen. It is collective human struggle, that can make even a utopian ideology a possible reality.




Saturday, August 17, 2024

Split times.

The past was not a pocket full of roses.

But the breezy fragrance of the past

With friends stable and steadfast,

is a matter of the mind, made up of mortar.

I respect my youth that knew no poverty,

Though prosperity was then,a popular myth.

When the paisa perfectly ruled the routine,

The rupee tactfully took the back seat.

Things were cheaper,but life was invaluable.

Humanity was spontaneously cosmetics free,

On faces flowing with the waves of the mind.

Society was naturally naughty, but rarely haughty.

Days cycled through the streets,and on buses sharing seats,

Drawing moments of delight, from mutually borne weight. 

Memories of my travelled times, slap my ageing brain,

For its being a bastard of tradition and treachery.

The present is a bulldozer,racing on rupee's rowdyism.

My lost youth scorns me for sitting in a corner,isolated, 

With my fragile fingers toying with my mobile and laptop,

As though my fellow passenger of my train,is nonexistent.

I tell my forgotten youth, that I am learning more today.

But that now invisible guy, bullies me for my self-betrayal.

"Can you save your soul with apps, in the absence of human laps?"

Asks my lean but lofty past, with its mouth full of wisdom. 

My beastly brain begins to bark like an unchained street dog.

A dog barking at its own shadow, cannot bridge the gap of times,

Split by sabotaging monsters of change, sucking the beats,with bytes.

P. Chandrasekaran.